
How can i calm my self down when i get upset/angery?

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I get angery too easily sometimes, i'm 14 and am pretty sure its to do with hormones coz i get like this the same time every month (just before i'm due to come on) and i dunno what to do, i end up going into my room and stayin there for ages coz i reli dnt wanna take it out on anyone. I've tried pretty much everything i know. e.g counting to 10.

I know that i am being too over sensitive but i cant help it and i always manage to upset myself.

Any ideas on how to calm down as soon as i get annoyed?




  1. Ah yes, the wonderful world of hormones. I, myself, am struggling with the same thing. I find it easier (when you are easily angered) to just not talk to anyone. Don't be as social as you normally would be and these feelings will pass. Find a way to relax yourself by either listening to music, writing, reading a good book, drawing, homework (if it's fun), go jog, watch T.V., talk to a friend, or go on the internet. These will help you just relax and let go of all the things that build up in your system, which results in you get petturbed easily. I think you just need some time to yourself each day before you talk to people. Don't worry we are all fighting that. Good luck! :)

  2. punch urself in the face

  3. music

  4. Lock yourself in your room.

    And put a sign out in the door of your room saying "im sleeping"..or "studying".

    Grab some sliced cucumber and leave it in a cup of ice for 10 minutes while you lie down in your bed..then on your tv..(volume low,remember your are "studying"(the door sign))

    Then take two slices of cucumber and put it on each eye and when it gets hot (temp.) then change to new slices of cucumber.

    And just chill.

    Try this for 20 minutes..and you're more relaxed than ever!

    good luck!

    music on your ipod is a good idea too.

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