
How can i cancel Credit Card on world of warcraft?

by  |  earlier

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My cousin used my card for world of warcraft so it can be activated or something... and now he is using prepaid cards... my question is, would i still be charged monthly on my card even tho it was only used to activate?

is there a way i can cancel it being charged to my card and only be used via pre-paid cards?

help pls..





  1. If he is using prepaid cards you should not be getting charged.  When he started with the prepaid cards, he should have chose an option that is called choose a different payment method, I think this is what it is called. Look at his account page and you can tell what payment type is being used.

  2. They wouldn't charge your card if you had a prepaid card set up.

    If you are being charged you can just log into your account management, Click 'Cancel Subscription' then you just confirm you want to cancel it and its done they will ask you a question about why you are leaving the game but dont worry your account is not cancelled or anything just when the month runs out you will have to provide a new payment method like a prepaid card or whatever you like.

    I do this all the time because I don't like the money automatically going out of my account incase I don't have it so every month I pay for the month then cancel the subscription after so it doesnt go through for the second month.

    But if it was just to activate the account you probably havent been charged anything just log into the account management and you can see the full payment history and cancel any cards you have set up if needed. But by the sounds of it he's using prepaid cards now so your card should not be charged.

    Hope this helps :D


    they nao own your soul.. and you haz to pay $15 bucks a month to visit it.

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