
How can i care for a rainbow shark?

by  |  earlier

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the tank ?

everything please and thank you




  1. Ok well first off you need at least a 20 gallon tank with plenty of hiding places. One thing you do not want to do is put more than 1 rainbow shark in the tank or a red tailed shark because they are territorial towards there relatives. If the tank is a 20 you can get fish such as midwater fish like black skirt teras, some larger tetras, or different kinds of barbs.

  2. Hi. glad you are planning to buy rainbow sharks... they are wonderful fishes...

    Ok. so i started my first aquarium (14 gal) with two rainbow sharks, two bala sharks, as well as other fishes.... BAD IDEA.... NEvER keep two rainbow sharks together... for some months it went on well... then suddenly one bala got all its finns ripped and then same thing happened to the other one... finally they both died.... after that one of my rainbow also died in the same way...

    i did some extensive research and found that rainbow sharks are hostile to one another, and also to other sharks as they are VERY territorial.. so unless u have a 60 gal tank, dont put them together....

    another thing is that as they are semi-aggressive, u will want to keep them in a semi-agressive tank... good tank mates include tiger barbs, glass fish, silver dollars etc....

    as they grow to be around 6 inches, u will want to keep them in a nice sized tank... mine's really happy in my 14 gal tank...

    u may want to try out the albino variety.... its a million times more beautiful... it needs the same treatment... only add something in which it can hide in like a cave or a flowerpot because it sometimes doesnt like too much light...

    feed it as u would feed any other fish... once a week i feed mine freeze dried worms as a treat...

    also its a bottom dweller... dont worry if it doesnt eat instantly... mine doesnt wat directly but prefers to eat the leftover food from other fishes that sinks to the bottom... as its a scavenger, its normal for him to do so...

    add some broad leaf plants if possible... they look very nice when floating near the plant.... mine loves swimming between the leaves of my java fern,,,,,

    i keep mine (albino rainbow shark) with two angels and a betta.... absolutely no problem.... i added a 4 inch flower pot for the shark but to my surprise i found that the betta and the shark have become 'pot-mates'... that is they sleep together... haha.... its so cute... in the morning one of them stares out from one side and the other from another side... absolutely cute...

    hope this helped...

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