
How can i celebrate?

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Tomorrow is the 23rd and i have been waiting and couting hours for this day to arrive

Guess why?

It's my MIL flight date, she is leaving us after 3 months visit. She has been driving me MAD with her ignorance and silly comments, she interfered a LOT in the way i care for baby since he was born, spoilt the whole experience of having first baby ( i was not allowed to bath him till he was 6 weeks!!!!!!) and she pushed my husband to buy her and family SOOO MANY gifts, when she knew that he could not afford to pay his own mobile bill, and that he lost his job few days ago and in debt (6000 pounds)... he bought soo many things for her and till today she is asking for more and telling him : Oh your brother asked me to bring him trainers, your sister need coffee blender, your neice expects something as well !!!!! ( He got a MASSIVE FAMILY , 12 brothers and sisters all married with many children , a whole town!!)

Brief, i am looking for ways to celebrate her departure, so i can let go the STRESS and DEPRESSION which deprived my baby from breastmilk and healthy mummy

thanks in advance




  1. Hurrah!

    Have a dirty weekend!

  2. I'm sorry but she wouldn't LET you give your baby a bath?? What?? It is YOUR baby. Have your husband stand up to her and see if that helps. That just isn't right. I'm sure you're glad she's leaving but before it got that bad somebody should've done something.

  3. Get a babysitter, then go out and get p***ed!  Have fun!

  4. if my MIL to be even tries to be like that when i have a baby i would tell her where to go! the baby is YOURS, you should have stood up for yourself and done what you felt right. shes had her chance bringing up children, if you dont get to practice things you will never learn!!

    i wouldnt even let my own mum take over and do everything! i think you should spend some time with your partner and baby and just relax and enjoy the peace you have now she has gone!!

  5. Mother in Laws: Cant live with them, cant live with them, just cant live with them.

    I k now what you mean. Mine asked me yesterday over the phone if I was making arrangements to have my mum over whebn the baby comes.I told her no bcos we cannot afford a new baby as well as have a visitor over for a number of months. Besides, we dont5 have space to put a visitor as we stay in a one bed house. She replied by saying she would have still come over anyway whether we had enough money or not.And she would have my husband move to the sitting room while she and I sleep in the bedroom with the baby. Imagin that? Thank God she,s stuck in US sorting out her green card and cant travel. I hope it takes ten years.

    Anyway congratulations.Go wild and walk about the house naked all day.

  6. I don't understand why anyone would be in that situation in the first place - your an adult, and presumably, so is your husband, so why not tell MIL to back off?

    Anyways, why don't you guys have a few drinks and relax?

  7. Get your little family together, go out for awhile to the park or something.  Have a picnic.  When you arrive home, pretend none of this ever happened, and you are stepping in the front door with your newborn for the very first time.  Care for your family, and let your family care for you as you would've with none of your MIL's interference.  Unfortunately you can't change the past.  Just make sure things can't happen this way again in the future.  Take a long, deep breath and try to let it go.  

  8. A hot bath(bubble bath) lots,lots of bubbles,a cup of coffee,or a drink (if you drink), a hug from your husband, and a kiss from your husband, and a long awaited time for you to spend with your child, however don't get upset if your little one for awhile doesn't recognize your heart beat, because of your MIL's tending to your baby, your child soon recognize you, but maybe not right off, the best time I could spend with my children were breast-feeding times, when your house becomes yours and your husband's + your child's home again, your stress, and depression will just melt away! Trust me!because you will be your family again, no intruders!Have fun in your bubble bath!

  9. wow that's an annoying MIL. you'll know for the future not to invite her for that long again and also to keep all credit cards your husband has to yourself. honestly, what a woman!

    since you guys probably haven't had much time for yourselves in the last few months, why don't you have a nice home cooked meal and just lay around the house all to yourselves? it must be a nice feeling now that you've got him all to yourself.

    never let that woman stay for that long again. ever.
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