
How can i chage the color of the generic floor that you use to make the lines of the rides?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Usually, the "Floor" of the ride is determined by the type of path you choose to connect the Exit of the ride, with the other paths of the park. Choose a different Path-type, and replace the square of path connected to the Exit, and you will change the "floor" of the ride.

    If you are talking about the Changing the color of the Queue Line, then click on the ride, and go to the Main button on the ride. Here you will see 3 Paint Cans (clustered together). If you hold your cursor over these cans, a little pop-up window will tell you that this is where you change the colors for ...

    The reason I put this last sentence this way is, because, there are several sets of Paint-cans, and I can never remember which cans control which aspects (queue, lights, etc).

  2. I haven't played in a while, but I remember when you first installed your floors you can choose different colors, go back to that and pick a new color and replace it, it will cost you more money. You might have to delete the original before you can install a new colored one. Good luck...

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