
How can i change my accent to a black accent ?

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hey im a white kid from a rich high class family,

anyways ive always liked rap music and always have been fascinated by tha hip hop culture,

anyways, i have a white boys accent and want to change it so i can sound like a black person from the ghetto,

how do i possibly do that?

how can i speak like one of those rappers like 50 cent, eminem, jay-z etc etc

in other words, what do i need to do to sound like a rapper or like a black kid from the hood?




  1. are you serious?  do people really ask questions such as this?

    that is great you are "fascinated by the hip hop culture" however remember you have a culture all of your very own.  i know it is hard to fathom, but you do.

    good luck "sounding like a rapper or like a black kid from the hood?"  (as you put it in your original question)

  2. Why would you want to? You would ignorant!

  3. This is an ignorant question.  I think you should take this off and restate your question without offending others.

  4. Just be yourself. Find your own style rather than trying to be like someone else.

  5. You and this question are very ignorant. Sound like a "black kid from the ghetto", white kids from the ghetto can speak the same way as AFRICAN AMERICANS. Do you know that "black kids from the hood" want your rich high class lifestyle. I'm a black kid from the hood and I am very offended by this question because I do not sound ignorant when I speak.

    I bet these rappers you are fascinated with do not like people like you.

    Being apart of the hip-hop culture, you and people like you are not and never will be accepted into our culture. Ignorant brat!!!!

  6. Im not sure why you would want to do that? If you're educated then you should sound educated. But if you listen to rap music then you should be able to talk the way they do. Talk like these kids.

  7. This is one of the most racist and ignorant  bull_ _ _ _ I have ever read!!!

  8. I took a class at Michigan State about 15 years ago called African American Vernacular.  Basically it was Ebonics and discussed the grammar, rules, history, etc. of black language from Creole to Carribean Pidgins.  Very interesting class, not sure if it is still offered, but something to look into.

  9. Why would you want to do that. I hate hearing people speak like that when I know they know better. Br  proud to sound intelligent. I'm not a black kid, but I'm from the hood. It sucks. Be glad that you and the people around you have money. I lived in the bassemint suite of a CHILD RAPIST for years in the hood while I was growing up. It was jusrt my mom, me and my autistic brother. That man violated my dissabled little brother. The elementry school across the street had a drug problem. My best friend was SHOT! Why would you want to sound like you came from a mess like that? Where would that get you? I hope one day you are able to see everything you have and be thankful for it. I am praying for you young man.

  10. Keep listening to your songs and any interviews of your favorite rappers on TV or movies. Use the same slang that they do.

    Instead of using the [TH] sound use [D], like "I like dose shoes." or substitute [F], such as 'birfday' for 'birthday' and 'baffroom' for bathroom.

    Make your [S] sounds more like [SH] sounds at the beginning of words that have [S] plus another consonant; 'shtreet' instead of a crisp 'street'.

    Change your grammar--use 'got' for 'have' and add an extra plural 's' on irregular plurals like 'feet, geese,'; Instead of saying "I have some shoes on my feet", you would say, "I gots dem shoes on my feets."

    Change your auxiliary verbs--add 'be' or substitute 'be' for 'am' and add an -ing verb: Instead of "Don't say that.", say, "Don't you be sayin' dat." Instead of "Are you going to the store?", ask "You be going to da store?"

    Change where you put the stress on a word in a sentence and change your intonation (rising or falling pitch) so it matches your favorite rapper.

    Read about the difference between the African-American dialect and Standard American English; look up ebonics, and consult the Urban Dictionary online for current slang terms and grammatical differences in speaking.

  11. Take the weekly allowance you're given, which I'm sure is like 5,000 dollars, and give it to me.

    Or better yet, go to the urban areas of the nearest big city and ask the people there (no matter which color) the same thing. Come back and post the experience of a black accented *** whopping.

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