
How can i change my computer style?

by Guest64766  |  earlier

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yhh i know sounds like an easy question, but the thing is my coumputer went back to the windows classic theme without me changing it and when i try to chnge it back to the xp version it allready is on xp... what should i do to get back my xp start menue and theme?

Oh... one more thing the other account on this computer is fine and is still showing the xp theme.




  1. go to the bottom of your computer screen, all the way to the right, click there go to help a support. on my old one it told us how to change it. ( cant remember how)

    answer mine;...

  2. ask mr toad

  3. The same thing happend to me, i just downloaded loads of themes and then it worked.

    try the same? lol  

  4. Right click on your desktop, go to properties in the drop-down menu and click on the tab that says "theme"

    You can also change the font seen in windows and window styles by clicking on appearance!

    Good Luck!  

  5. if it says its on xp sxtyle when it isnt just do a quick system restore to an earlier date when it looked the way you wanted it to.



    All Programs


    System Tools

    System Restore

    then simply pick the date you want to rewind your system to.

    its very easy and takes about five minutes to do.

    plus you lose no saved data, its just your pc's setting that are restored.

    Bye, Good Luck

  6. Click the Start Menu>Settings>Taskbar & Start Menu.  There is an option in there to use Classic or XP theme.

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