
How can i change my fingerprints

by  |  earlier

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please, i want to know how to change them ..thanks.




  1. why; what did you do?

  2. It sounds like to me yohave either done something or are going to do something? I once saw on a show that you can cut off your fingerprints, not sure if it works but hey if you wanna cause yourself pain, go for it. I hope whatever you do dosen't hurt someone and if it does I hope they find you!  

  3. You can't change your fingerprints.

  4. Go before a judge, and request to have them changed.  You'd better have a good reason!

  5. cant...its ur identity....theres nothing u can do to change this..this will answer youyr question

    good luck on whatever u did


  6. you can't, the only way will be taking your fingers off and reconnecting fingers of someone else

  7. There is no way to change them. You can erase them by slicing off your skin, or burning them away with hot metal or concentrated acid, but that'll leave scars or other identifiable markings, and would be extremely painful, not to mention risky due to the high chance of infection.

  8. You can't really CHANGE them unless you find some way to splice your DNA.  If they were so easy to change, they wouldn't be used for identification.

    You can soak them in acid if you want, but they'll come back after six months or so, so you'd have to do it again.

    I also hear that people who work with books like librarians tend to wear off their fingerprints with time.

  9. Burn the ends of your fingers. That's the only way I know.

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