
How can i change the Membership type?

by  |  earlier

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my yahoo group Membership Type:

Closed (only invited members can join) and This setting cannot be changed. i need This setting to be changed. any ideas or solution ??

thank you in advanced




  1. There is not possible to change setting now as u have selected Closed.

    You have to create new group now.

  2. there is no solution other than creating a new group- there are two things that cannot be reversed

    1) a closed group

    2) allowing members to hide e-mail address (results in the loss of the polls)

    these 2 things cannot be changed back and Yahoo will not change them back- sorry

  3. Closed (only invited members can join) If you select this option, web tools that were previously set to "public" will be restricted to members only.

    - Once you have selected this option, you may not change it later!!!

    How to know if your group is CLOSED:

    If you are the group owner or a moderator with the proper priveliges, you can go to the Management link in your group (at the bottom of the options on the group home page).

    Click on the "Membership" link in the Group Settings section

    You will see the following message:

    "Closed (only invited members can join)

    This setting cannot be changed."

    There is nothing you can do but start a new group!!!!

    FYI, this does not mean that the group is not open to new members, only that it is not listed on the Yahoo! Directory.

    Those outside the group can still request to join the group, the requests are automatically "Moderated" (requiring approval).

    How to join a group:

    1) Join via the group’s page

    2) Join the mailing list

    3) Respond to an invitation to join

    You still have the option to use INVITE:

    Inviting and Welcoming Members and Promoting Your Group:


    Yahoo Answers:

    How do i change from a closed membership to restricted membership in Yahoo! group?

    (Not possible!)

    Membership Type: Closed (only invited members can join)

    Why This setting cannot be changed?

  4. There is not a solution for your problem sorry :((

    The best advice I think to give is to delete the group and create a new one with a different membership type.

  5. You'll need to talk to a Yahoo Groups customer service representative to see if they can help you with trying to change the setting to make it open again.

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