
How can i check my guinea pigs hearing

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my little wilbur used to be the first one to wheek when it was eating time or when i came home with groceries, now he doesn't even seem to notice when the others are at the cage wheeking loudly. He recently had an altercation with the alpha so I separated him, could the fight (all wounds are on the butt) have hurt his hearing somehow?

I tried making a loud noise to see if he would hear, all the others stopped and looked at me and he just kept eating (could just be hungry)

Any suggestions??




  1. I agree with Justified. If you believe the guinea pig might have some sort of hearing problem I'd check in with a reputable exotics vet just in case. Better safe than sorry.

  2. I can't imagine wounds on the bum causing a problem with his hearing. I think the method you have used so far to determine sound awareness is what I would have done (make a loud noise across the room & see if he responds).

    The only thing I know of regarding deafness in guinea pigs is an affliction known as "waltzing disease". I know that cavies can be born deaf, but its usually coupled with other genetic deformities.

    I would be worried that the piggie has inner ear infections, resulting in hearing loss. However, ear infections of this magnitude generally result in head tilt and you did not indicate he has this. You may want to consult an exotics vet to check his ears for infection to be safe.

  3. okay since he doesn't seem to be responding to your hearing there is a chance he could be becoming deaf

    go to your local vet and schedule an appointment

    the vet will be able  to tell you whether or not your hamster is ok

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