
How can i cheer him up.........?

by  |  earlier

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My 11 year old brothers birthday was yesterday, and he was and still is sad that our dad couldn't be there because he's in Afghanistan. I asked if he wanted to go any where special or go get a new DS game but he said he wasn't feeling up to it. How can i cheer him up.......




  1. Leave him alone for the meantime. Sometimes a person just needs a little time to think before they feel better, you know? Let him get some sleep, then make your offer again ;]

    pls answer my ques, by the way

  2. you should say all the positive things your dad is doing for the country and make him feel special that his dad is making things right for the world and if it wasn't for him then things would fall apart !

    or you can chat to your dad on webcam with him ? lol  

  3. Why not sit with him and plan out a special surprise for your Dad?  Like, maybe you can redecorate the living room, in your dad's favorite colors with new pictures framed.  Or, maybe you can buy your dad something he likes.  If he likes golf you can get him a one year membership to his favorite club (your mom can help with $$).  If he likes movies, maybe you can make him an office, or space of his own that has movie posters framed and neat movie memorabilia all around.  

    If he wants to do something right now for your dad maybe you two can draw pictures, or paint something for your dad that you can ship to him.  You can help him with it, but it will allow him to get his frustration for your dad being gone out in the open.  He needs to vent, but boys are very insular.  They bottle emotions up because they don't know the correct way to release them.

    Be creative with this.  Without being pushy let your brother know you are here for him.  That even though this was his birthday the two of you can do something for dad.  Something he will love.

    Good luck to you and I hope your father comes home soon and safe!

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