
How can i claim back the 25% deducted from my salary when i was working in U.K?

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How can i claim back the 25% deducted from my salary when i was working in U.K?




  1. You live here, you pay the tax. When you return to Canada you can ask for any excess to be paid back. Why would a state allow foreign workers tax breaks not afforded to nationals?

    If you are no longer working and have not exhausted your personal allowance contact HMRC to claim any excess tax back

  2. If you were living here you should pay tax - however if you have paid tax on the same money in two countries, as long as there is a double taxation treaty you can file a tax return in your own country and claim it back.

  3. ask the uk tax office for a year end form ( or sign up online. You may be able to claim back tax but not national insurance.

    PS people are wrong about you not being treated more favourably. If you aren't working for the full year and aren't earning a great deal. Then return to "canada??" and do the same you would be better off taxwise than staying in the uk the whole tax year.

    If you worked a complete tax years and paid paye then you wouldn't gain.

    Beware, if you got any untaxed benefits you might have tax to pay.

  4. Tax is there to fund public spending. How could we fund anything if we simply gave everyone their money back?

  5. If you are leaving the UK, you should be able to claim quite a large tax refund.

    Either use an agency to help you, charges 9.8% or take your P45/P60/statement of earnings together with the form P91 and P85/P86 and send them to your local tax office.

    Good Luck

  6. It depends who deducted it and for what reason.

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