
How can i clean my dump of a room?

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ima ask again because i love the excitement of reading what people have answered with.

I'm 15 a girl and want to clean my room properly mums making me do it i cbf doing it but i have to any advice there's lots of junk in my room it looks like a dump seriously no exaggerationn here it actually looks like a mini dump help please?




  1. (1) Backhoe

    (2) Arson

    (3) E-Bay

  2. maybe you should get off the computer and not be lazy. get a bunch of boxes or shelving units and organize things.

  3. throw away every thing that's not put away you have too much stuff.

  4. hold on

  5. First gather at least 10 boxes, nothing fancy if you don't have cash. Start taking all your stuff and sort them with like items. Clothing in one box, stuffed animals in another, school supplies/books,etc.

    Then move it all to the garage. Go through one box a week and decide what to keep and what to get rid of. Remember less is more!

    Best of Luck!


  6. Cleaning is one of those chores that is continuously put off. Unfortunately, if you put it off too long, you may find little creatures have begun to inhabit the room. If a personal house cleaner isn't an option, use these tips to get motivated to clean your room.


    Make a plan for cleaning your room, writing down everything that needs cleaning and include things that you put off for years. Pretend that you will give these detailed instructions to a cleaning service.


    Break the plan up into sections that work with your schedule. Often one of the toughest obstacles to overcome in cleaning is feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work there is. Looking at the project in sections makes the task seem more doable and helps you feel motivated taking on one project at a time.


    Schedule several appointments for yourself, just like you schedule a dental appointment. These non-negotiable appointments require your time and attention and are just as important as any other appointment on your calendar.


    Turn on some upbeat music, turn off the ringer to your phone and keep away from any distractions like television or visitors. Try using headphones with your MP3 player, which helps block out any distractions.


    Set a timer for 20 minutes and tackle the first project. Although the project may take several hours like cleaning out a closet, 20 minutes of straight working is great. Reward yourself with a five-minute break, and then set your timer again for another 20 minutes of work.


    Tackle clutter and overstuffed closets with the three-pile rule. One pile is things to toss out, one is to give away to charity and the final one is what you keep. Enlist the help of a trusted friend and try on all of your clothes, asking their opinion on how it makes you look. If you are unsure, always put it in the give away pile and keep only things that make you feel fabulous.


    Look at your progress in terms of the sections you complete. Although it may take a weekend or two to finish the entire project, seeing a list of what you accomplish is a great way to feel motivated and keep going.


  7. FIRST Throw away your trash. Second, Take all your clothes on the floor and get them off the floor , then ( heres where it gets kinda tricky) you have to dust, then you must disinfect , followed by a vacuuming , if no carpet then a good mopping.. last step keep it clean...


  8. throw away anything you don't need or want or that can't be used and divide your room into a pile of keep and throw then find places to put the stuff also gather any dirty clothes and despose of them aswell as dirty plates food packets e.c  

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