
How can i clean my fish tank quickly ?

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ive got two mississippi map turtles also a small fish and i have to clean them out every week. I have a filter but it dont seem to get all the dirt out the tank and when i clean it, i take out the rocks that are smallish and i clean the basking area but i still cant seem to keep it clean.

what i mean by dirt is:

.small left overs that cant be picked up

. poo from both turtles and one fish

so i really need some help on how to clean it up and to make my fish tank cleaner and looking lovely!

my tanks about a 60 gallon tank

thanks ^-^





  1. big are your guys, for a 60 gallon speaking from experience should be under 5" to get along in a 60. Much bigger than that they will start fighting.Mine at  25 yrs old started fighting so bad, so I had to get a kiddy wadding pool till my pond 7 yrs ago. My girls are 36 y rs old, plus 3 other males.

    You need another filter. When I had my 60 gallon I had had 2 penguin or marineland double filters. I believe they pump like 100 gallons a minute. So 2 filters pumping 200 gallons aminute keeps the tank clean.I suggest another filter for a 60 gallon tank..

    Did you know that they need to bask under a reptile light UVA for 8 to 10 hrs a day for the vitamin D that they need to grow. So that means getting a turtle dock also.

    Leave the heater on 75 to 78 degrees always.

    Their water needs to be clean otherwise they get sick easily from dirty water cause they p**p allot.

    You need a good filter system! Gravel larger than they can swallow.

    You need to feed them feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows for protein and calcium daily drop 20 or so in the tanks and watch them disappear! This way when they swim for their dinner they get exercise also!

    They need leafy greens( Romaine, Butter lettuce. Iceberg and cabbage are bad for them, any leafy greens will do) for vitamin A that they need at least 3 to 4 times a week.

    You probably already know that they get sick easily, shell rot, respiratory sickness, lopsided swimming, coughing,blowing bubbles from his nose, swollen many illnesses.

  2. i need 10 pionts..please help

  3. Do you have a gravel vacuum?

    Should take care of it within a few minutes.

  4. take ur fish out, throw the tank away, get a new one. VIOLA

  5. if the mess is pretty heavy get a length of hose pipe and syphon  the mess up from the bottom of the tank in to a bucket or something similer

    also if you got a light on all the time  try turning it off more often as light will cause algee other than that i can see any other way of doing it filters either suck from bottom or the top of the tank dont think either will help

  6. Use a syphon to get the c**p out of the gravel.  Turtles are messy you might need a more powerful fiiter or you might need to change your sponges more often.

  7. get a good tank with a filter i have had mine for a year and have only had to clean it once

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