
How can i clean my system of THC in 5 days?

by  |  earlier

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it is an urine test.

and i stoped smokin for it two weeks prior to when im getting it.




  1. you cant even if you only smoke once and awhile it takes a minimum of 30 days to be purged from your system THC is stored in fat cells that take a long time to break down and any detox formula you take is now tested for they only make your test come back inconclusive and requires retesting

  2. Perhaps a web search for "marijuana detox" might be useful.

  3. drink alot of cranberry juice and vinegar and tequila that helped me out it cleaned my system and i passed my drug test hope it works for you to

  4. On of my pothead friends told me that he's passes drug tests by drinking a quart of vinegar before he takes the test.

  5. You can't if you are about to be tested.  Just be honest and tell them you won't pass.

  6. yes you can have to get a system cleaner (gnc) drink lots i mean lots of water ...and excersice alot ....the water and sweating will clean out your system fast ...remember to keep the diet on the system cleaner...this really works ....drink lots of water before your test ..this will dilute the urine ..hope this helps ....

  7. Hold your breath for 30 days prior.

  8. THC and its metabolites are not water soluble. They store themselves in your fat. Exercise to burn the fat and then right before the test, drink a bunch of water until you p**s clear. Wter will not get it out of your system faster, but it can dilute the concentration to a level where a test cannot detect it.

    1 use of bud stays in your p**s for 1-3 days. It only takes a month if you smoke daily for a while and it builds up in your fat.

  9. well it takes a month drink lots of water and cranberry juice

  10. if u aint smoked in two weeks and u got 5 days jus drink alot of water every day but not over 4 gallons a day cuz it can kill u drinkin to much and also alot of cranberry juice and craneberry pills and the day u take it like 2 hours b4 the test drink sum pickle juice or viniger, or if its jus one of da cheap p**s test u can put like 3 drops of bleach in the cup u pissed in and then u aint gota drink all that water and u can still smoke but still drink like two gallons the day of the test and the day b4 so its not in ur system as stong

  11. buy a box of the clear gelatin mix it with a gallon of water and drink it the night before and the day of.

  12. goldseal

    drink lots of water

  13. take flush pills and drink 2 gallons of water everyday. you're chances of passing will still be slim.

  14. haha usually it takes up to 6 months for there to be no trace of THC in your body. But drink lots of water!!

  15. Oh so you have a drug test for a job.....gee I have no job and I don't do drugs....hmmmm kinda unfair. Quit doing drugs. THC can stay in your body for several months, if someone where to whack off some hair and test it.....keep that in mind.

  16. Do whatever else your going to do to clean your system out, and before you take the test eat a box of Jello.  The thc in your p**s will cling to the jello so you can p**s clean at least once that day.  Remember to p**s before you eat the jello and make sure the next p**s you take (after you eat it) is the one that counts.

  17. The most common period of time is anywhere from 3-30 days, depending on your metabolism and the amount of marijuana that you’ve smoked. This is unfortunate, since it means that while most drug tests can only turn up evidence of other drugs if you’ve been taking the drug within a few days of the drug test, marijuana could still be detected in a urine test up to a month after the last time it is used. If you smoke it occasionally it will remain in your system for up to 10 days. If you smoke marijuana on a regular basis it will stay in your system for as long as 45 days, and if you smoke marijuana at a constant pace, it can stay in the body for 90 days, Marijuana is fat soluble. It stores in the fat cells of the body, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, in other words the major organs.

    Hair tests are even worse, since your body stores THC in the hair follicles. For this reason, the previous answers to “How long does marijuana stay in your system?” are only useful if you’re going to be forced to take a urine test. For the hair test, depending on the amount of hair that the company takes, it’s possible that marijuana could be detected up to three years after the last time that you smoke.

  18. there are a few ways...

    -You can buy a cleanse drink

    -Drink Gallons of water and/or cranberry juice

    - My cousin did this thing where he would buy gelatin (like knox) not jello, put it in water and drink it all up with ALOT of water and pee twice before a pee test. The third pee should come out clean.

    and I think thats it

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