
How can i clean up my hard disk?

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Please teach me how to clean up my hard disk.. if i am trying to download anything it kept saying Low memory ... i don't know why . ... i always download movies on Itunes but i delete them after watching .. and it kept saying the files are saved somewhere and the space is filled up .. Please help




  1. get revo uninstaller its free so google it  download and then go to the tools tracks cleaner and then evidence remover run that to perminantly remove files that have gone through the recycle bin works like a dream  

  2. Hard drives are a pain when they get completely filled and can cause you many hours of grief trying to figure out what to remove. This is what I would do. I would go buy an external hard drive and load all your movies, music etc into your new external hard drive and that frees up your internal hard drive without reformatting like other have suggested. Reformatting is drastic and you will lose everything. This keeps you from having to erase any good information on your internal hard drive.

    Seeing how you love your movies and music, I would buy at least 500 gigs and this way you should have much space for many more files.

  3. Empty your recycle bin

  4. Hi,

    "Low memory..." means your RAMs used over and you have to more Virtual memory. How to do that???

    Right click "My Computer" --> Properties --> "Advanced" Tab --> In Performance push Settings --> In Performance Options Windows --> "Advanced" tab --> Change --> In Virtual Memory window choose drive which have remain is biggest and change size at Initial Size as Windows recommended below --> set --> OK.

    For clean up HDD, start --> Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools --> Disk Clean up --> Choose Drive & OK --> Clear all.

    Speed you HDD up: start --> Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools --> Disk Defragmenter --> Choose Drive & push Defragment.

    Hope good.

  5. defrag

  6. defrag or add/remove programs for unused software or even download a very small memory HD cleaner. or a total wipe, that would be KillDisk >_>

  7. the best thing to do is restore the computer to a previous date when it was working properly!!!

    or go into controll pannell or recycle bin and delete completely :)

  8. The best way to clean up your hard drive is to root around and find all the big files on your machine. You can also use a program to automatically delete temp files, cache files, recycle bin files, etc (basically stuff that you don't really need but take up a lot of space). You can use ccleaner to do this.


  9. you have top find what folder you saved the movies in and delete it there, not in itunes

  10. empty ur Recycle Bin

    if u say u always delete them, den the only reason is bcoz u havent empty ur recycle bin.

    *deleting files -- data still in same location on harddisk...but pointers pointing to Recycle Bin

    *emptying recycle bin -- pointers removed, storage freed. (although data is still in harddisk)

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