
How can i communicate to my dog??

by  |  earlier

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i really love my dogs and i was wondering if there was any way i could communicate with them?? obviously not talking to them...i'm not a psycho i just really want to see if i can!! please help !!




  1. uhh no

  2. When you feed them

    play with them

    walk them

    pet them

    you are showing them you love them and you care

  3. Not sure what you mean by communicate. Since they don't process language the same way humans do, you won't be able to do it that way (spoken language is essentially meaningless to them because of their different brain development). But you can certainly try to communicate to them in ways they will understand. Turid Rugaas is a famous Norwegian dog trainer who has studied dog communication for well over 30 years and has documented many of their 'calming' signals (it's the canine language of peace).This website may be useful - it has pictures and articles describing the signals. She also has written several books and has a few DVDs out showing the calming signals in dogs using them in their natural environments.

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