
How can i concentrate better in science class?

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i can never concentrate in science the teacher repeats stuff so much we barley finish a whole page in the book by the end of the class, the class period is 80 minutes long, plz help




  1. lol

    wow Ivan P.

    that was... bad...

    first and foremost, dont sit with friends.

    science is WAY boring.

    but im in chemistry, and trust me, you'll need to concentrate in there...

    so, just try relating it...

    or singing it in your head.


    Just try finding a way that helps you remember things.

    also, some people learn better by watching.

    some by doing

    and some by writing.

    theres different techniques you can experiment with

  2. i think you should read ahead so you'll be ahead of the game.

  3. lol just keep telling urself if you dont pay attention ur gona fail the class lol.. u gota motivate ur own self.. realize that your there for a reason and you dont want to be there again.. do things once and get it over with, u know?  

  4. A good way to pay attention is to read the assignment, or read ahead, before you get to class.  You are more likely to understand and pay attention to what the teacher says if you already know something about it.  It's more difficult to pay attention if all the material is new and you have no idea what is going on.  Hope this helps!

  5. Please ask your teacher for some after school help.

    Make it your "priority" to overcome. Get some help from a

    classmate, or hire a tutor, to help you out.

    You need this class very bad.If you intend on going to a

    collage. You may not think so, right now.

    I failed to raise my hand in class, and it held me back,

    from reaching my goal in life.

    Now that I am old and retired. I sit on my computer,

    and give advice, to help someone else, in a more positive way.

    If I have succeeded in doing that. I have made your day,

    as well as mine. <}:-})

  6. Reading ahead is always nice, but if it's the teacher, not the material, that is giving you trouble, you can try taking notes of what he says and take them home, helping you to study the subject without all of the distractions.

    Make sure that you're not too comfortable in the class, either. Don't hurt yourself to get uncomfortable, since you may focus too much on the pain, but trying sitting in a slightly awkward position. Also, don't wear clothing that will make you too warm and ask to open a window if there are any. Chilly keeps you focused.

    Don't talk to your friends during class or think about your personal life while the teacher is talking. Science class is not there for you to reflect on your personal life, so don't do it there.

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