
How can i concentrate longer and better and motivate myself

by Guest66740  |  earlier

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i never finish anything like seriously. i get bored really easily and

i want to lose weight but i quit every single time because i want to do something else than working out i can't do 1 thing for a long time nor concentrate. i keep thinking in my head i should i should but my body doesn't move. i don't know what to do anymore.. i feel like i failed my life but mostly my parents..




  1. Well, if you were honestly that motivated and wanted to lose weight that bad, you would be so motivated by your want that you would do it.

    I know you say you want to, but honestly, if you did, you WOULD do it no matter what and you wouldn't get discouraged! Its true :). I know this from experience!

  2. You have basic symptomps of ADD, i do the exact same thing all the time, you haven't failed your life or your parents, i myself have ADD (Attention Defict Disorder). Although i personally don't think i'm DISORDERED since i function normally still. I just have a very hard time in school. Especially math, the numbers and lecturing just bore me. Classes where i can get involved in the work i do is how i was able to do better in school. It's all there I DO the same thing, i think the same way, like letting my dog out is soooo boring, i know i need to let him out and when he comes to me to go out i just don't want to i want to do something else. Please don't get depressed over this, i'm now 18 and i've had it through my whole life and over the time i've been able to find ways to concentrate it better.

    For motivation, it's only something you can do, see a doctor, My doctor told me that i had no self motivation and that i couldn't do anything, but that only pushed me to prove him wrong, that i could be like anyone else and pull through with something.

    Concentration: Find something you like to do, when i study, i listen to music. When I bike ride or work out i find something to help me stay interested in it.

  3. Set some small goals and then keep your commitment to them. Don't break promises to yourself. For example, set the goal to get dressed first thing every morning after awhile add another goal to that one such as making the bed. so now you would be getting dressed and making your bed automatically. Routines save sanity! you don't have to think about it. That gives you more free time to think about things you enjoy. Ultimately if you had a routine that got all the stuff done you want and need done early in the day, you would feel much better the rest of the time. Small goals big achievement!

  4. You should look at the skills you have and find ways to maximize on them. Instead of saying you get bored very easy, think of it as you enjoy variety. Many people cannot handle variety and change. So instead of trying to get on a treadmill for 30 minutes, try an obstacle course, circuit training or a physical sport that requires concentration and adjusting (basketball or football). Also, find ways to stay involved in physical activities that you enjoy (dancing, skateboarding, volunteering, outdoor work). Think about getting a paper route or a dog walking route so that you have a regular commitment to keep.

    You haven't failed in your life and whether or not your parents feel disappointed, you can still become what you desire to be. No one can be everything someone else wants them to be and if they are, chances are they are no longer themselves.

    in addition to exercise, write down everything you are eating and drinking for a few days. Did you really mean to eat it all? How many calories? Would you be willing to put down the fork in exchange for a little more relaxation in your life?

    Take care

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