
How can i concentrate while studying:S????

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please help. i cant concentrate. i have a big exam tommrrow on international conflicts and im just so unprepared but i cant seem to study. what are the best methods for studying?/





  1. this method works for me!

    1) eat a snack, something you like or something sugary to give you a little energy.

    2) write out a schedule and game plan, i.e: what are you going to study first, what do you need to study the most, what can you skip for now and come back to if you have time, and how much time for each topic?

    3) gather all your study resources to have at your fingertips: handouts from teacher, outlines, class notes, etc.

    4) find a place you feel comfortable and focused and stick there. for me, that's my bed. stay out of rooms with TVs or the internet.

    5) when you get to the studying, try and make it interesting for yourself. i make songs out of lists i need to memorize, funny acronyms as i go along, and if it's history--i remember stuff better if i repeat what happened in a little story with character complexes and plot turns, dramatic music included. you'll remember everything better during the test this way.

    6) reward yourself! everytime you complete a chapter or section, take a short break. check your email, IM a friend, eat something, read a magazine, whatever you want to treat yourself to. this will motivate you to keep studying!

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