
How can i connect my Wii to the internet ? ( i have a wired connection in my pc)?

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How can i connect my Wii to the internet ? ( i have a wired connection in my pc)?




  1. If you've got your PC connected directly to your cable/DSL modem, you'll have to get a router.  I'd suggest getting a wireless router that supports G protocols (most will, the technology's over 5 years old).

    The router will come with 4 or 5 ethernet ports.  One label WAN (short for Wide Area Network), the others something else.  Connect the WAN port to the cable/DSL modem, then you can connect the PC into one of the other ports.  This will connect your PC to the internet.

    When configuring the wireless router, pick a new SID from what's default and set it up for WEP encryption.  Then when you're setting up your Wii to connect to the router via the wireless connection, have it find (or manually enter) the SID and the same WEP encryption code, and it should be able to connect to the internet.

    If you don't want wireless, you can get an Ethernet/USB adaptor and use Ethernet to connect the Wii to one of the available ports on the router.


    Just a warning, if you dont have a wired router, its a pain in the *** to use. But it is faster then wireless connections. =)

  3. If you don't want to spend money on a router, then buy a Usb cable. It should hook up right to your computer, and you can use the guide that comes in the Wii Box to help you out also. It really does help.

    Good Luck!

  4. umm well you have to buy the wii internet channel, its 500 wii points or 5 bucks, then you can use internet on your wii

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