
How can i contact ghosts without an Ouija board?

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just a plain and simple way (without any mediums and stuff like that) and how do you invite them in?




  1. John S. has not a clue what he is speaking about!!!!

    If you photograph dust being shaken off a cloth you will not get orbs. You will get a picture of light reflecting off of dust particles, it looks exactly like a so-say orb. His advise was so ridiculous that he could not have been serious!

  2. Oh, it's more fun with a Ouija board! Buy one, go get some friends who really believe in that stuff and freak out about it, then dim the lights, light some candles, and summon some demons. It should be a recipe for a hilarious night of hijinx. Have fun! Tell the demons Haunting You says hi!

  3. you can contact them by asking  question they sometimes answer  but you can only hear on tape or digital far as going somewhere else and taking them  you would have to have an attachment they are usually associated with demonic entities.where ghost in a haunting like a house is usually attached to the property,house or even a person or they are echos of past events that happen being replayed over and over

  4. Just for fun, next time you dust your house, shake out the

    dust cloth into the air, and then take some photos. Then

    you will see lots of "orbs". A dusty cloth makes  a great

    ghost attractor. (See later question about ghost photos.)

  5. I am glad you aren't using the Ouija boards....  They are awful to use....  If  you want to communicate you have to know someone who knows what they are doing with spirits....  I can communicate emotionally with them, but it isn't the same as what you are thinking....  I really don't know how to tell you how without causing any damage or making a rip in the fabric our dimension is made of....

  6. why would you want to do that??? I don't think that's healthy.....hoenstly! Look at those cases of exosrism

  7. you don't need anything special..but if you elect to do so, be ready for the good and the bad. If you send out the invitation, anything could show up to the party(so to speak).  

    This is a comparison that puts it in order for some....if you were in the woods and saw a rattlesnake, would you grab it by the tail?  The theory is, yes, you could do that...but whatcha gonna do when you grab him.  Same thing applies to ghost and spirits.  You can call them if you would like and, yes they will respond in some cases, but now that you have their attention...what will you do?

  8. There is no plain and simple way. Like most things in life it takes some effort if it's not worth it to you move on and let people that care deal with it.


  9. Have you heard about Bloody Mary.....

    Just sit in front of the mirror and said:

    Mary Worth

    Mary Worth

    Are you there...?

    Oh.....I'm so scared....You can try if you want to see ghost...

  10. Be really careful I knew someone who used that and had spirits come in to her home and i dont mean good spirits. Once you use that you are opeining yourself up to the spiritual realm. Find something else to  use there are other things to get your curiosity out there that are good.

  11. Why would you want to talk to ghosts for its just plain creepy!, let alone inviting them in!.

  12. Never trust an Ouija board.  I've known several people who have "played" with these and unknowingly invited something bad into their house.

  13. Acquire a fantasy-prone personality and then make sure you're very susceptible to the power of suggestion.

  14. You can contact and talk to spirits using dowsing rods. You need to study how first. You should always ask for the highest good to prevent any negative spirits. Some auction sites have them along with the instructions or you can make them and read about it on dowsing sites. I have seen this done and it can be very accurate.

  15. I don't believe you should ever "invite" a ghost or spirit unless you have a lot of training in how to deal with them..and I'm sure you don't. They could make your life MISERABLE.  If one comes  to you...that's when you need to get someone who knows what to do to help you make them leave. Some people have a lot of experience in this and know how to communicate with them. ..but they can be VERY DECEITFUL. You never know whether to believe them or not. I think the reason the Bible says not to do this is for our own safety. (That's just what I think.)

  16. Best place to make contact would be at battlefields, old abandoned hospitals, morgues, prisons, and asylums.

    If you're looking to invite something scary home with you, I'd suggest you'd belly up to your favorite watering hole and put your beer goggles on.........

  17. Well, the bad news is that Ouija boards really aren't going to help you contact any spirits. They're just a board game made of cardboard. They're great for spooking superstitious people but they really can't help you for contacting actual spirits.

    So how do you contact a spirit or ghost?  Well, more bad news. So far, there isn't even any good evidence that spirits exist, much less than people have determined a way to reliably make contact with one. There are anecdotal stories of people having a ghost experience, but that's about it.

    My advice is to go somewhere spooky when it's dark out and perhaps you'll have an "experience". Try your local cemetery for starters.

  18. Just say hello anyone there and you might get an answer.

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