
How can i contact my spiritual guide or guardian angel?

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please give me the best possoble way to contact them and try not to reffer books unless they are really good thanks




  1. If you believe in magic you can convince yourself just about anything exists.  Spirit guides and guardian angels are the adult version of the imaginary friend.

  2. Hello

    The best way is via meditation, sitting & calling to one of your guides. Like all things it can take time & you have to let your fears & expectations go.

    Look to meet with guides within the mind & with you brow chakra & not with your physical eyes.


  3. ASK......

    Find a quiet place....pray for guidance....ask for protection...relax.....meditate in silence then simply  ask that your guardians and guides come to you..and that they introduce is THAT simple....


  4. You can't contact something that doesn't exist.  Contemplate this:  How strong is your evidence that such an entity exists in the first place?

  5. Hiya

    I used an cd meditation pack from, it worked for me.


  6. Just talk to him. Can you imagine being assigned to someone by God to be their care taker their whole life and never being acknowledge by that person you are taking care of? Thats what most guardian angels have to go through. Yet they are so humble that they do it without complaining and are in full cooperation with God who they serve foremost.

    Start by thanking him for those moments you were in danger in the past and he did his thing to keep you from getting hurt or dying.

    Next, give him a name. Either ask him or her to tell you somehow their name or if that doesn't happen cause he/she has no opportunity to show you their name.... simply tell them one day you are going to name them because afterall, they are your angel assigned for your life to you. They probably will be honored. ( BTW, I named mine George)

      And third, realize that you are so important that God made you extrodinary in all of creation that He also assigned to you an angel who serves you. Yes you are that important that the angel is your servant. So that makes you pretty special but just try imaginine how humble that pure spirit angel is that he would do that for you unceasingly through every moment of your entire life because God instructed it to do so.

    Also, know that a guardian angel is able to call upon more powerful angels (cause he is so close to them) to help him when great trials and tribulations show up in your life. He has to deflect the attacks of demonic forces and devils etc. And of course potential accidents.  Here is a prayer my parents taught me when I was a child to say to my guardian angel and I try to say it almost every day.:

    Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love permits me here. Ever this day, be at my side, to light and guide to rule and guard. Amen.

  7. it is said that before you sleep just call him and you will see him in your dreams

  8. Try e mailing him.

    Honestly, i dont know. I am not religious, but if i was, i would find it hard to believe that everyone has their very own gaurdian angel.

  9. You have already done so many times.  When you listen to your instincts you are in touch with your angel.  When you argue with yourself when trying to make a decision or face a temptation..... you're in touch with your angel.  Being curious is a God given gift and your need to research and learn is part of your purpose in life.  You're responding to your angel all the time.

  10. you have to do it in a way the corresponds to the way you look at yourself the world around you and the universe as a whole but the best way is to meditate while concentrating on nothing but the guidance you want through life and how you are willing to receive it and the guide will find you

  11. or you can simply wait for a time when something happens- for years i never knew i even had one- until things started to happen to me and over the years- i found the common link of the animal that was there- (and that i didnt own or know anyone that had) once i was able to accept it- when i had experianced some really scary stuff- that animal came to me and protected me.

    yours will show it's self only in an emergency and you wont forget it when it happens.

  12. Your angels and guides are always around you - you can call on their guidance at anytime. You can speak to them and they will hear you. Its just that their answers are not always heard.Their answers may come in the form of a dream or clarity of thought, to a problem, that was previously, complex. Listen to your own thoughts - they (your angels and guides) are there to help you!

    Good Luck!

  13. The more sensitive and open you're the easier it will be to communicate. First of all spirit guides usually come when it's to do with your spirit feeling hurt, and wounded. Angels may be somewhat the same, when you're in need of protection.

    When my guide came to me, it was that night after prayer to God for help and protection.

  14. when you go to bed at night ask for your divine mother  / spirit guide to look after you and make themselves present.  keep asking them for help and comfort.  look for signs though, they wont just pat you on the shoulder and say HI, for example to let you know they are there, they might send a feather to you, falling from the sky or from no where.  look out for signs.

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