
How can i control my 2 year old tantrums and behavior??

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I don't know what to do, ever since my son turned to he has been acting out and throws tantrums anywhere and anytime if he don't get it his way and he's always mistreating his little sister which is one, he pushes her, hits her,and acts mean to her i feel like one day he is going to hurt my daughter or himself.




  1. dont be afraid to spank him. and dont just do a sissy love tap on the butt, make it hurt but nothing extreme.

    My dad spanked me when I got out of line and I wiped into shape and became a pretty good kid.

  2. This is normal behaviour--for a two year old.  I thought the terrible twos were a myth until I experienced them first hand.  Try occupying them with games or some other distractions.  I'm not guaranteeing that it will help, but it might.  

  3. welcome to the "terrible two's"  

  4. First, STAY CALM!

    When little ones do this, it is because they can't control themselves - self control is learned, it isn't something we are born with, so it needs to be modelled for them by the parents staying calm and in control.

    This does NOT mean that you give in to them when they want their own way, nor does it mean that you don't stop them doing what they are doing.

    If your son is hurting his sister, you should remove him from the situation and put him somewhere where he can't hurt himself or her.

    My son had a tantrum in the middle of a department store, (I wouldn't buy him a hot-dog until after we had finished shopping) when he was 3 years old - he lay on the floor kicking and screaming, people were watching and I was a young Mother at the time and wasn't sure what to do, so I let him get it out of his system and then picked him up and carried him out to the car, buckled him in and drove home.  What I did do the next time we went to that store was to tell him that I expected him to be a good boy, behave himself and then he could have the hot dog when we had finished shopping - he was as good as he could be and he never had another tantrum - he is 32 now and doesn't have them any more!

  5. lol welcome to the terrible two's! I am a mother of three sons. ages 12, 8, and YES a 2yrs!!! I swat their hands at that age. I have one of those thin plastic rulers and I pop him with it on his hand and not hard, but enough to get his attention with it. The only thing is, you will have to "get" him EVERY TIME he does something he's not suppose to...I mean if you let him slid one time but verbally fussing, he will start thinking he will slid next time too...what ever you chose to do, you will have to follow through every time. He is only testing you, to see how far he can go, this stage does seem the hardest to me, it is a very important stage of learning for them too as to what their little boundaries are.  

  6. do i hear the boogey man? haha  scare the little tike, make sure he so scared he wont do it again

  7. welcome to the world of terrible 2's....  i'm not a parent yet, thankfully, but I've babysitted enough and had a younger sister who's 8 years younger than me, so I do have some experience in it.

    Best thing to do is NOT to give in to him.  If he's whining/crying over wanting candy at the supermarket, tell him no, unless he stops crying.  Tell him he has to act like a big boy.  Just let him keep crying though, no talking to him is going to change how he's acting.  If you can maybe put him in a time out???  but really you just got to wait it out.

    As far as him pushing/hitting his little sister.  That's when you have to intervene.  He's now putting someone else in danger.  You're bigger than him, so don't let him control you.  Try to keep them seperate unless they're home.  Keep one of them at home with their mom while you take the other one or something.  Or both you and your wife take them, so if they act up let's say shopping, you take one, and she takes the other, and you can finish the shopping w/o any hitting.  You might have a screaming baby with you, but better than someone getting hurt right??? Worse comes to worse your out alone with both of them, and the fighting starts, just go home.  Take the kids, and try to put one on the left side, the other on the right side of the car, not the middle, where hopefully they can't reach each other, and finish your shopping another time.

    If your home and they act up it's a little easier to control.  You don't have to worry about screaming kids in public, and you have more room to seperate them.  Just move them into different rooms.  Send him to his room while you stay with the sister in the living room or something.  Always make sure your near enough that something happens you'll know about it, but keep the kids seperated....

  8. Duct Tape.....:)

  9. Nothing a belt or ur hand won't fix

  10. agreed welcome to the terrible twos....they will end in about a year in the mean time beat his @$$ and put him in his room  

  11. ask him once, tell him and warn him of the consequence and the 3rd time just put him straight onto the "naughty chair" explain to him why he is there and that what he did was wrong tell him that you are very diappointed with him and that he has to stay there till you tell him to come down. rules are 1 minute for each minute of the childs life. when its time to come off the chair ask him to apologise and not to do it again give him a kiss and hug and tell him you love him. and continue as normal. i've been ding this with my son since he turned 18 months. he is now 23 months and his behaviour has behaved dramatically. good luck :)

  12. get down to eye level with him and tell him what he did wrong and that its not ok and then put him in time out for 2 mins  

  13. Watch that nanny t.v. show, that stuff seems to work.

  14. Two year olds are like that :( So it isn't out of the norm.  What does your son enjoy? I live with a toddler the same age and she is usually difficult to control unless Blue's Clues or Noggin is on.  Try everything, I mean everything.  As for not treating his sister respect, discipline him because you have to teach him what's wrong and what's right.  Scold him, don't give him what he wants, etc.  Maybe a little spank in the palm of his hand.  Do what works.  

  15. Do like my parents use to do to me. Depending on what I did tho. If I cussed, I got hot sauce or soap to the mouth. If I did something like really annoying and hateful to my parents. I got my a double s whooped, by a belt.


    There is NO reason that a person who cannot completely understand what it is that they are doing should be hit to make them understand!!!!

    Besides, how are you going to get the point across that it isn't ok to hit his sister when you are hitting him?

    Avoid situations that make the tantrums worse, is it close to a nap time? Does he like certain toys? Do they share toys or are there ones that are just his? Kids like and need boundaries and on a daily basis they push them, it seems to me that you haven't set any at all.

    Try to talk in a calm voice and ask what is wrong or what is it that he wants. This works best when you maintain your cool, it can get embarrassing in pubic but you tell people "He's two" and they back off. Try to give him some alone time, wake him up first or put him down last. Listen when he is talking, even if it doesn't make sense to you, ask him questions about what he is doing. And be firm, make sure that you are telling him 'No' in a different voice than 'I love you'. He needs to know that you mean business, and that you will follow through with the punishment. "Do you want to go night-night?" works really well in our house.    

  17. yay lucky you! such a hard time but it will hopefully pass Well i dont know about all the suggestions of physical discipline.

    It might be hard being out in public (when you think everyone will be watching) but if you can start at home with this it might help-  if you can just 'ignore' his behaviour when he is throwing a tantrum and continue what you are doing he will eventually see that these tantrums aren't the right way to communicate with you.  If his language is ok, you could suggest he uses his words if he wants something instead of getting angry.  But remember you should always acknowledge aand praise his good behaviours

    When you are out with them, try and keep him busy with activities that he enjoys give him something to do... bring a fav toy or book along with you to keep him occupied.

    As for the hitting and pushing, you need to intervene so your daughter doesnt pick up these habits and think that they are OK.  I believe in the old 'super nanny' thing.  Pick a spot to have as the naughty corner or naughty room etc and have 2 mins 'time out' (one minute for each year of his age) Or you could take away a toy or something as punishment for an inappropriate behaviour. Just for a day or so- but make sure you tell him why you are doing it... otherwise he'll think your taking things off him for no reason.

    Sorry hope i helped

    Good luck  

    if you start practicing this at home you might have less  

  18. kick his little butt  

    that's what my dad is to me

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