
How can i control my anger?

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i am 15 years old and i have really bad anger problems! i really want to be able to control it. i loose my temper over the most simple things. I feel so stupid when i look back on how ive reacted! But i just don't know how to stop things building up inside! its driving me insane, i have lost a few friends because of it! :( i really want to be able to control it all! i've gone so far as to punch walls before now! But walls hurt so i take it out on my pillow, scratch myself, scream, shout! i really don't know what has happened to me! i have turned into a monster. Does anybody have any ideas on how i can control it? thanks xox




  1. I think that you must drink some mineral water when you're angry, then you breath and control yourself...if you do it every time you're angry you will be another person..

    It's true...My best-friend had that problem...

    I hope You'll be okay!

  2. you need to talk to your parents it could be that you feel very insecure and  very angry with life and you dont seem to be able to handle it seek the help of your parents it obbivisouly  is making you un hapy when you think you are losing your temper just try and remember how you wil feel afterwards . good luck

  3. find the nearest place that does anger management =]

    gud luck

    child of satan


  4. ball all the anger up until you get in your room or somewhere private and then you can take out all your anger without harming anyone. And also you may have a mental problem with negative brain waves  

  5. I think you should talk to someone about this, like your parents and hope they understand. Then you should go to counseling or something and talk to the person about your problems.

    But shouldnt your parents know what is going on with you? If they don't then I think you should tell them, i mean they're your family so i dont think they'll go around gossiping about you, and sometimes adults do make mistakes, no ones perfect so try to understand them... i think its better for you to tell your parents. Oh and whenever you have like a personal problem, i recommend you not to tell your teachers; they dont help much

  6. It might be good if you take an "Anger Management" course.  It usually lasts abouut 10 weeks.  It is virtually impossible to explain anger management on-line in a situation like this, unless one is reading a long article.

    If I find myself getting angry, it is good to count to ten and LEAVE the situation or person for awhile and don't come back until you are settled down

  7. I know this may sound silly to you but I had a friend in the exact same position as you and he got put in prision for being violent. Im assuming you don't want to end up in the same position as him so I think you should go and see you're doctor and ask him if he can refer you to anyone as you're scared you're anger is becoming out of control.

    Good luck and I promise (i've seen it myself with my friend) it does work. He never gets angry anymore!

  8. close your eyes, deep breaths and think of a happy place or a happy thought then get away from the person or whatever it is that makes you angry as soon as possible.  

  9. when something angers you, try to pretend it isn'tthat bad, take deep breaths, and say something in a calm way. then walk away from whatever it is tthat'sangering you, or try to resolve it nicely. or... yeah do what child of satan said and go to anger management!  LLoll

                                    good luck!

  10. sounds like you need some anger management. talk to your school counsellor, or your parents. they will give you tips on how to control your anger. its different for everyone.

    i get very angry as well, and have punched walls before. now what i try to do is when i feel myself getting angry, i stop, take a deep breathe, squeeze my fists, and walk away. then once i have collected myself i try to solve whatever was making me angry.

    anger destroys relationships, destroys life. get control over it while you can. and dont be afraid to ask for help, it wont mean youre weak. asking for help is hard, it means your strong.

    good luck! xoxo

  11. I know how you feel.  Try doing some deep breathing, give yourself some quiet time each day.

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