
How can i control my angry?

by  |  earlier

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iam always angry with my frnd




  1. Just keep your mouth shut.

  2. With your friend? Take a long hard think about what it is that makes you so angry that your friend does and then maybe you should sit down with your friend and discuss that what he/she does upsets you and makes you feel angry. If they are purposely upsetting you then maybe they are not a real good friend. However if you are angry all the time you may need to seriously try and control your emotions.

  3. you can control your anger if you have just have to be patient.if you are not you have to learn to be.

  4. Invest in a boxing bag!

    Let that anger out on it, not your mate.

  5. 1 - Use your angriness where it is required. 2 - Understand the issue before getting angry 3 - look for ways to solve before getting angry 4 - try to understand the fact from other people's point of view 5 - try to think if you can get any profit out of being angry in that situation. Believe me - angriness is not bad - you just have to use it in right amount at right place with the right person. And yes, stop using abusive language. You can only be angry with one you love - not everyone is worthy of your love. Please do not expect others to do what you want in the way you want - their thinking and capability will always differ. Do not put blame on others - do the task yourself. Learn patience/ how to wait. I try to do all these but remember nobody's perfect - everybody gets angry/ irritated at sometime. Only time and experience teaches you to manage your anger.

  6. pl check this

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