
How can i control my dog from jumping up on people espically when walking her?

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and yes i do make her sit and stay but i still can't seem to stop her from jumping on people especially if they have children she adores children doesn't jump on the kids unless like 11 and above tall enough where she knows please help?




  1. Never let her jump on anyone... adult or otherwise, including you and your family.  She's probably old enough to know better.  when she jumps, say "NO!", take ahold of her scruff gently but firmly, and push her down.  Hold her there for a second, and release.  

    You have to do this every time without exception.  Don't use "down" or "off" or any othe command, just teach her that jupming is bad, and therefor "NO!" is the only word you need.  The key is consistency.

    The sit stay is a good idea, keep using that tecnique.  Hold her collar while you're enforcing this, and only release her when she's obeyed.  

    Another important thing to use is a release word... your dog won't know when it can get up and walk around after being told to sit, if you never tell it when it's okay.

  2. Does your dog jump up on you or family members when you come home?  If yes then the only way to stop her from jumping on people is to stop her from jumping on you first.

    When you come home and your dog jumps do not greet her, do not talk touch or make eye contact, pretend she does not exist and ignore her totally.  When you walk in just keep walking, she'll jump up and as you keep walking she'll of course jump down.  Go about your business she must be calm before you greet her.  When all four paws are on the floor and she's calmer then greet her, if she jumps up turn and ignore her.  You must do this EVERY time you come home including any members that reside in your house including visitors, tell them that she is in training and to ignore the dog.  Praise/greet her only when all four paws are on the floor.   Don't say down or off or no or even knee her in the chest, that is negative attention and even negative attention is attention to a dog so you end up sending mixed signals and the dog gets confused and doesn't know what you want, thus making training harder and longer than it needs to be.  

    After a few weeks to about a month once she's stopped jumping on you she'll automatically stop jumping on people.

  3. let michael vick take care of your dog for a month and when you get it back it will be brand new and well behaved!

  4. Check your local pet supply store for a "no jump" harness.  It's just a harness that prevents the dog from getting those front legs up high enough to jump on anyone.  Once she gets the idea that she cannot jump up, make her sit then allow the person to give her attention and lots of praise for sitting nicely.  Good luck.

  5. Get the person she is about to jump up to turn round and face the other way. It will stop her fairly quickly as she is not getting the attention she is seeking.

  6. My lab does the same thing whenever she gets excited. The only thing that has helped is firmly kneeing her when she jumps (don't kick) and tell her sternly NO! and tell the kids to do the same thing, Daisy still jumps, but she kinda just jumps around and doesn't actually touch the person (although she was starting to jump from behind and we then got to work on that).

    Another thing you could try that would be VERY effective that fixed my chesapeake bay retriever would be a shock training collar. whenever she goes to jump shock her and eventually she learns not to-it only took about a week and she hasn't jumped since.. I would have done that for the lab but I lent the collar to someone and when it came back it didn't have any batteries and I can't figure out what kind it used.\

    I have shocked myself with it at its highest setting (15) and it wasn't that bad...and I used about a 7 on Roxy so I don't think that its cruel, plus you are punishing them instantly, instead of a delayed punishment that they might not connect to the jumping.

  7. Lenny, you should bring the dog to get trained  

  8. okay i train dogs so we r lucky she hasnt hurt anyone, when you take her for a walk next time take a spray bottle when she jumps spray her in the face, it may sound cruel but its not, she wont like it and will imediatly jump down, tell hera simple command like  "no" alot of owners say alot of jibby jab and the dog loses interest in what theyre saying. keep repeating till she gets tired eventually she will if she likes water we have a problem thats when u get out the doggy whistle or the clicker and do the same. when she doesnt jump reward her with a treat. she will think the next time she doesnt jump she will get a treat but u really shouldnt do it all the time that would be reliance.

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