
How can i control my very short temper?

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I think it all started when i was very young and my parents were getting divorced for the first time. My mother left me with my dad to live her parents. Which was fine i saw her a lot then. When i was in the second grade my mother was diagnosed manic depression/ bi polar disorder and was hospitalized. When i went to see her in the hospital, they wouldn't let me in to visit because i was too young. I went about 2 weeks without seeing her. This was all after some random trip to Florida she dragged me out of school to go to. When she got out of the hospital, my parents got back together. They split up again some years after and my mom started to date an *** named adam. I can't really remember him but he treated her like dirt. That was the first time i was feeling the emotion of hate. After that mess my parents got back together again. Things went good for a few years. My baby brother was born last year so that kinda calmed things down. My mother got into a new Church call " Abundant life church of god" a born again Christian church. I've never really believed in god myself but i was happy for her. Until she brought me to a mass last year. I saw what they do, they were chanting in some strange language and shaking around. I knew that this church was nothing but trouble. I have a strong anger to this church now, i feel its nothing more than a cult. last year my mother went missing for 2 days. my Father found her in her church parking lot screaming lines from the bible. It was New Years day when my dad told me we found my mother and brought her to a hospital. She spent 3 months in the Sanitarium and got out just before my birthday. To this day she still goes to that church. She comes home from work, sleeps, goes to church comes home and sleeps. I don't see her at all on Sundays. I've tried talking with her but she like " mommy as to go to church and sing for god" Now that i am 15, i've been known for my disturbingly short temper, strong emotions, and rash actions. Its getting to hard to control. I lash out at anyone. Please help me, i need to know why am so angry at the world




  1. you are angry because, your mother never made any special time for you. she is bipolar, and without constantly taking the right medications for this--she goes haywire(out of control). i know you feel like there is something you should be able to do about her mental illness;, but, there is not. only therapy and meds will help. her life has been a rollercoaster;, and she took you along for the ride. you are confused and need to vent your anger. just remember to tell yourself that none of this is your fault. talk to someone who you trust when you feel angry. this will help. god bless  good luck;

  2. There comes time when we are accountable for our mistakes and we have to stop blaming everyone that we could. So know that you are aware of things it is your life your road you chose which to take, you can either one day but yourself in jail or make something that will make you feel so proud of who you became all because of you and only you.

    Remember you are the owner of your life and what you make of it, not your mother, so please take a good look at what you want and chose for you and not to try to get your mother back, because in the end your only hurting your own future, start by doing good in everything you do and it will pay off in the long run and one day you will be the great mother you aim to be or not be, your choice chose today, do not waste one more minute of your perciouse life in hatred or anger or self pitty, Life is short and it is passing by as you sit her and read this.  

  3. go see a shrink...


    you could just keep doing what your doing, get tossed in jail and that should pretty much cure  you.

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