
How can i control the great hate, and anger and violence that dwells in my mind and soul?

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How can i control the great hate, and anger and violence that dwells in my mind and soul?




  1. you shoud try visiting a church and trust god. the holy spirit will make you feel free from all that. it's not a joke. it's real.

  2. you should take yoga or a boxing class so you could release all that anger inside of you

  3. I had the same problem, and before it was uncontrollable. what i can say is that it takes time to change. you need a power more than yours. Only God is the answer to this kind. The good news is that you wanted to be changed. That is the first step, the desire to change, looking for someone to help you. Pray to God, and a sure help will come. 2nd, do not expect overnight. time and again, somethings will annoy you. but use self control, breathe a little, count 1 to 10, pray, do everything while in anger situation. It also helps a lot when you start to scroll your mind to the blessings you received, the good things happened to you, and try to thank God in every bit of that situation & blessings. You will realize little by little, not at once (as i said it takes time, practice makes perfect) that your mind will be shifted to being grateful, rather than being hateful. some of the things we hate are reasonable, like if you have been bullied, or someone try to hurt you, etc. But you can ask God's guidance or a friend's advice, when to act right or against a situation or person. but some of the things we hate are not reasonable, like traffic, being late, etc. some are our fault that we need to face & change, like wake up earlier next time, etc. it takes a lot of screening our mind or situation, when it is right to hate, be angry, etc. not all anger or hatred are wrong. Jesus became angry too & moses (read the bible). because the people around them acted immoral. so there are holy anger. don't hate yourself. all you need is right direction where to put your anger.

  4. like i say to everyone else!  There is a route to every problem Start back way back when you were happy! and work your way up the ladder until you can see where you were going wrong in life with your hate or violence.

    You probably allready know the answer! its sitting there right now in front of your eyes but dont know how to deal with what you went through.

    Learn to forgive your passed! and let go.  And get on with the future.. If you need a chat! then send me a email

    I know your issues..

  5. i try this all the time and it works......

    while u are feeling like this... just take ur right hand and place it on ur heart and make a fist..... close ur eyes and remember all the anger stuff you are suffering from.... u'll feel that ur fist has filled out with anger, (u transfer all anger from heart to fist)....then open ur eyes and ur fist as well ...after that throw ur all anger and sadness into the air.... u will feeel better....

    i knw its not real but just try....  

  6. Become a Christian. God will purify you.

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