
How can i convert from KVA to HP ?

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  1. KVA is apparent power S delivered by source.

    hp is real power P consumed by load.  1 hp = 746W

    They are related by the power factor pf = P/S

    So P (hp) = pf * S = pf * V•A/[746 W/hp] = power in hp.

    The two previous answerers assumed the pf = 1.  In reality, the power factor would be listed on the faceplate of the motor and it would be less than 1.  This means that your actual hp reading would be lower than calculated.

    You would also have to factor in efficiency of the motor to get actual hp out.  This would make the formula you need:

    P (hp) = pf * S * Efficiency/[746 W/hp]

    Good luck...

  2. You cannot

    The relationship is between kiloWatts and HP or watts and HP

    KVA is a unit used in the physics of alternating current

    PF can never be unity (=1) - even in so called "purely resistive" circuits

    But like the other guys said: assume unity PF and then we have one HP = 746 watts = 0.746 Kilowatts

    But if you know the PF and the efficiency - you can multiply these in and get HP

  3. 1 HP = 746 watts, which is 746 VA if the PF = 1

    if you were really in a hurry, you could find this from any one of thousands of web sites. Or from your textbook. And get an answer that is correct.

    Oh, just in case you missed that class also, 746 VA = 0.746 kVA.


  4. 1 Hp =746 watts

    1 KVA =1 KW at unity p.F.

    Therefore 1KVA/0.746= 1 Hp

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