
How can i convey to someone that i am angry at them?

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How can i convey to someone that i am angry at them?

there is this guy, not exactly my friend but my neighbour, earlier i used to smile at him while walking by n stuff, but sometime back his married friend was givivng me dirty looks so i complained to him, but he gave me a stupid answer for that, now i wanna show him that i am angry with him?

we dont really talk? so ignoring him would be the right thing to do




  1. i really think u shuld worry less about looks.... thats the problem with ppl these days everyone wants to get mad over looks and words. y cant ppl just realized that a dirty look in not gonna kill u nor make ur world go sour

  2. if you dont really talk then just go on not talking to him.

  3. Give him dirty looks.

  4. Just ignore him.  You did nothing wrong.  If he is taking his friend's side, then you are better off not knowing either.

  5. Scream and stomp.

  6. Yeah, pretend like he doesn't exsist so he can come chasing you like a lil puppy. And if he doesn't, he's not worth your time.

  7. Grow up.

  8. How about walking up to him and say "hey man you pissed me off"

  9. I wouldnt worry about it. Just politely say hallo to your neighbour and get on with it. Hes the one your living next door to.

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