i got a horse last year, after 8 years of riding and leanring i got my own horse.
but he lives over 10 miles away.
so when i do see him its just to re-rug him( only if its cold/wet/hot)
feed him ( he lives in a 20 acre paddock he doesnt need much else)
or to ride, which i can only spend about 3 hours ( 1 hour riding, 1 hour grooming etc, then he has his feed then we leave) i cant take too long.
i tried to convince her to move him to a closer establishment but she just get annoyed at me. shes not horsey, so it feels like she doesnt enjoy the paddock.
ide love to just walk outside and be able to pat him( my horse), or just watch him. he doesnt feel like mine , people at the paddock help me look after him but its not the same.
i hate sitting at home want to see him.
i cant ride there bymyself because im 16 so i have to have mum at the paddock
how do i convinvce her that it would be so much better to live where i can keep him or too move him somewhere closer