
How can i convince my dad to get me texting?

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all 3 kids have offered to pay their 10 dollars per month to get it

my moms talked to him & also offered to pay

he just wont. he says he doesnt want to add any more money to the bills which we all understand, but if hes not paying for it then we dont see why he wont.

any suggestions on how to convince him?




  1. Not the best or most moral method, I know...but...

    You can just text anyway and when he gets the ridiculous bill at the end of the month he will see the extra 10 dollars for for 500 texts isn't so bad.

  2. Daddy no doubt sees disreputibility in the "codes and ciphers" aspect of texting. Be that as it may. One may point out the positive features of communication, from job referrals, homework assignments, social connection with the more accomplished and intelligent few set up for it, and mental stimulation, to a sense of well-being from connectedness. An open family discussion wherein everyone lays all cards on the table, and when finished playing cards, discuss actual issues, can result in a happier environment. Regards, Larry.

  3. tell your dad that all your friends are doing it and thats whats cool now-a-days :)

    All jokes aside, they have texting for family plans as well and its cheap i.e. tmobile has unlimited texting for family plans for an additional $20 a month and up to 5 phone lines are eligible to use it.  With texting, in cases of emergencies, you can receive messages during school or work or meetings without interupting everyone.

  4. do some research online and show him the link between brain cancer and cell phone usage.  The worry in the study is especially in kids so there is your pitch.  I use it all the time. And it works.

  5. If your mother is an authorized user on the account, get HER to call.  

  6. Each of you need to save up enough money to pay for the texting for one year.  Give it to your father and tell him that money is for the year's payment, and them make sure you all pay an additional$10 a month to him before the bill is due every month.  

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