
How can i convince my dad to let me quit piano lessons?

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ive had to take piano lessons for 2 years now. i HATE it. dont even tell me that i'll use it in the future because i know that i will not. i hate having to go there every week, and my dad is really wasting his money on it. he did let me quit one day in june, but then my piano teacher told himi only a few pages left in my piano book. so then i had to go again. but i looked in my book and i have FOUR MONTHS left to go. its so retarded, and i dont know how to convicne him to let me quit. what should i do????




  1. hmmm, if you want to finish earlier, you should go to a free piano lessons website and learn the material without the teacher and then that way you won't have to wait so long.  Go to and see if that works out for you!  Best of luck!

  2. just remember this: I have to do it for another whole friggin year!!

    Just take a weekend to play a lot of piano and teach yourself the rest of the book.

    Or tell your dad your piano teacher is a mean liar!  

  3. I was like yourself my mum made me go to piano lessons when i was younger and i had to practise two hours every night practising my scales etc when i turned 15 i told her that i hated it and couldn't be bothered anymore so she let me stop i am now 34 and i must be totally honest iv regretted it ever since its a gift that you can play an instrument why don't you ask your piano teacher to let you buy some music that you would like to learn that way its music that you like and enjoy try and stick in hope this helps xx ps i am going back to piano lessons.

  4. tell him you hate it!

    lukily my dad let me quit because he was my teacher and he naver had time to show me!! ha ha! now i play drums and guitar!

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