
How can i convince my dad to move to a bigger house?

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by the way, he does have the money!




  1. give him the money.

  2. You can't.. Maybe he doesn't have the monies to support a larger house. Maybe the money that he has now is just covering the bills. Maybe he likes the smaller house. cause he knows all about the house cause he has been living there for years. Maybe he doesn't want all the c**p that comes along with owning a bigger house. Like insurance, maintenance, new appliances, new hot water heater. this isn't about wanting a bigger house it is whether or not it is really worth it ... If the house now fits everything and everything is paid off and he knows the house inside and out and he knows how much it cost him every year. Why would he want to put more monies out to a bigger house. Bigger house means more electric, more heat, more water, more bills. More AC. More everything. I dont think that you understand all of that.

  3. you do know, bigger house = bigger house payment. it's up to your parents to determine what they are able to afford and you cannot convince them.  

  4. Throw your belongings around your house and say,"Dad I have no room for my stuff"

  5. Give him well developed reasons... BTW why would you want to move. once the reasons are out there you must be 199% sure this is what you want to happen.

  6. Tell him you definitely need more space, and help him pay the mortgage/rent  

  7. Lilly how can HE help you appreciate what you have.  Girl there are families in this world living in cardboard boxes and happy to have it so please in this tough time don't add to your dad's stress and bug him about the house being to small

  8. Hey, love the name! My first name is Lilly too ! How interesting.  Well, I think that if your dad doesn't think that you should  move to a larger house you shouldn't try to get him to. You most likely are wasting your breath.  I think if your dad wanted to move into a new house  he would. There might be a reason why he doesn't want you to move to a different house. Just save your breath and maybe ease up on the convincing. Maybe this is a very convenient location when it comes to work, grocery stores, banks, friends, and also family. Though it doesn't seem like it, your dad may not enjoy that house he may be thinking of moving to a bigger house. Fathers are a lot less open then mothers. They usually keep what they are thinking to themselves a lot. Just ease up on the nagging and only ask him occasionally. Maybe after he thinks it over he'll change his mind.    

                             ♥♥♥     GOOD LUCK    ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥Ã¢Â™Â¥Ã¢Â™Â¥

  9. He may want to, but he may not be able to financially.  Times are hard everywhere sweetie. It takes a lot of money to pay the bills, gas, food, clothing. I am sure he trying his best to provide for you.

  10. give him the money to afford it...

  11. maybe you shud try 2 make him see the problems that u r facing living in a house of the current size.

    or else u can play dirty and tell there are termites affecting the house and it can break down anytime. I bet that'd scare him out of his pants!  

  12. Houses are not free!!!  He probably doesn't move because he can't afford a bigger home (like most people!)....If you found $500,000, I bet he would move!

  13. Your father knows what he can and can't do.He'll do what's best for all of you.I'm sure he wants to give it some thought first and decide what direction to go in.It's really not as simple as it sounds to you and a big decision to make.Money or not,there are other things to consider also which he has to work out with his friend.He'll do what he considers is the right thing,I'm sure.

  14. In answer to your question, why do you want a bigger house. Your parents are probably living in a house that is now paid for or nearly paid for. They are probably renting, I don't know, you didn't say, either way, why should  they should uproot themselves on your whim.

  15. These days its hard just to move into a bigger house. Forclosure rates are one of the big downfalls. Plus the fact that people can't really afford to have bigger houses anymore unless they make tons of money. And if its to rent you have to understand the cost of deposit and first months rent is due BEFORE you move in. Which believe me it's very expensive. So needless to say you should think things through before you decide just to ask him to move into a bigger house and think of how much bills such as water, electric, gas, trash, food and everything else is going to come into play. And if he makes enough money to handle it with out everyone having to stay stuck at home. then its worth the shot to ask. But also consider if he has car payments to make. and any other bills like your internet, phone, cable, car insurance, cell phone bills and things like that. Cost of living isn't exactly cheap anymore. But good luck anyway!

  16. Be happy with the blessings you have.  You should give thanks to your father everyday for giving a nice home and food in your stomach.

  17. its your dads choice you cant convince him other wise, i am sure has a very good reason why not to move!?!

  18. give him $200,000?

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