
How can i convince my family to go green?

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I live in a home of 4 adults and one infant. They however are very traditional Mexicans. So how could i go about persuading them to go green with me. It just makes it difficult when im trying to use left over bannana peals as compost and they go throwing it away.




  1. Make it as easy as possible for them. If it is too much trouble they won't bother.

    Explain how it will save them money. Making your own compost is cheaper than buying it.

    Turning a light off will save money. Take note of readings for gas/electric for one week living their way and then your way for the following week. Go round turning things off that are not used, use lower wash temps. etc. and show them the difference.

    Offer to spend the money saved on a treat for all.

    Works with my family.

  2. Build a new compost heap in each area that they throw their garbage. You driveway will soon be green.

  3. Take it one step at a time. Even if your family dosent  approve of you living a eco friendly- earth saving lifestyle you can still do it. I recomend buying 4 CHEAP plastic storage containers and listing them  paper,plastic , cardboard, alluminum ,  keep them in your room if they wont let you keep them in the kitchen then eventlually move them in your kitchen. Explain to them what they can do to help and how much it affects our earth. Even if they wont give in then you can still do it dont ever give up becaus eyou are help making this world a btter place to live..

  4. I got my hubby to go green by constantly digging his beer cans and bottles out of the garbage. He felt bad after a while and started dumping the materials in the appropriate bins. Recently we bought a house and he was all into foam insulation and low e windows! LOL! You would think he is the greener in our family!

  5. First remove their brains.

  6. By showing how it saves money -- if it does.

  7. The best is set example by you. Starting by turning off your fridge, are you on? As Kermit The Frog used to say, it's not easy being green.

  8. The only way you can get them to go green is to do it  incrementally,little steps. Maybe get them to save paper or cans or glass first then get them to recycle one of the others down the road. Maybe in awhile they will take to it by themselves. Instilling pride in the act of recycling isnt bad either.


  9. wait till the gas prices go up, wait till your water heater rusts, and if you live in nc, ask your family to use methane to power their homes because it is avaible tere.

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