
How can i convince my family to join the marines and not go to iraq?

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I come from a middle eastern backround, i am arab-american, i been interested in joining the Marines for sometime now, i been trying to convice my parents, the marines isn't all killing and shooting on the frontlines, and i dont want to go in infantry as my MOS, infact i want to try to get in to the Naval Academy, but my parents are completely close minded about it, and dont want me to even go to the Naval Academy because they think, ultimitaly ill get shipped off to iraq and fight in the front lines, what should i say to convince them that they should respect my descion and convince them the marines is more than just killing and Guns and violence in the front lines?




  1. there is no guarantee, however you could start off as a reservist and then go in a program called the active reserves.  Now the active reserves can deploy, but they do not deploy as often as the reserves or active.  The problem with the active reserve is that the space for promotion is extreemly limmited.  Hope this helps

  2. The best thing you can do is go 2 the local Marine Corps recruiter and get some pamphlets. Then give them 2 your parents and talk it over with them then. If you really want to be a Marine once you turn 18 it doesn't matter what your parents want you can enlist without their permission as you then considered 2 be an adult.  

  3. Sorry, but you cannot change minds that are already set. Going to the Naval Academy will not guarantee you will not go to Iraq, or anywhere else.

  4. When your 18 your considered an adult. You dont have to convince anyone for their approval to join.

  5. Well if your 18 you can do what you want to do however I have a question, what is so wrong with fighting on the front lines for our military?  That is what being an american is all about, defending our freedom and the freedom of others!  Ultimately you cannot guarantee you will not be shipped to Iraq to fight for our country if you join the military though so you cannot convince them of something that you can't guarantee however why would you want to?  Close mindedness is just that, they are not going to change their minds.  If it is what you want to do, enlist anyway and deal with the consequences later.  MOST parents are proud for their child to take that step and volunteer for the Armed Services however only you know your family and ultimately you have to decide what is best for you, not anyone else.  Good Luck!

  6. Believe me when I tell you there ISNT a job that won't have the possibility of sending you to Iraq.  I was a computer programmer/analyst in the military, thought that I would be dead last on the list of people to ship, after all I was a computer mainframe engineer..guess what?  They send me to run telephone lines, something that wasn't any part of my job description....if they need you, they'll send you no matter what.  If you want to join the marines, do it, you will never convince your family, I've been out for 15 years my mom is STILL mad.  If you don't want your parents upset and it means that much to you, don't join.  Follow your own path and make the best decision for you, just keep in mind...Iraq is not as unlikely as you might like to think it is.

  7. Well in the marines you do get infantry training no matter what your job. Tell them you want to be an engineer. You will definitely get sent to Iraq and/or Afghanistan

  8. Demolition by Marines of major commercial airlines in The U.S. after evacuation to stop oil use and prevent Global Warming. If question not sarcastic. Same for cars. Another idea is talk about the possibility marines may guard The President or may have at one time. Another way is to mention The Military Search And Rescue Service. I think The U.S. has one. There has also been mention of military Para Fire Fighters.

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