
How can i convince my mom to let me drive with my friend?

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I am 16 but agreed with my mom that I would not get my permit for a few months. She believes 16 is too young, and I recently had a friend die in a car accident, so I wasn't keen on driving.

A month ago, my friend gave me a ride. My mom wasn't happy about it, but she let me go because she felt bad saying no.

On Friday, my friend and I plan on going to a get-together with some of our friends but my mom sprung on me that I cannot drive with her.

My friend is a year older than me and has been driving longer. It is legal for her to drive me and I've been in the car with her once before. I believe that because it was my choice and my mom's choice that I myself cannot drive, I should be allowed to be in the car with this girl. She does have experiance but my mom still thinks she's too young, too.

How can I handle this situation so I can go on Friday?




  1. hmm this is tough

    im 17 and ive had my license for a little over a month

    if your friends house isnt far, you should tell your mom that its only a short drive.

    maybe tell your friend who is going to drive to try and stay off the main roads if it's possible.

    also tell your mom that you will call her as soon as you get to where you are going.

    hope i helped and i hope you'll be able to go on friday!


  2. Coming from a mom, it looks like your mom is being overprotective. It's a scary world out there, but we can't shelter you from every terrible thing that could possibly happen. You may have to negotiate some ground rules, and perhaps come home early, but as long as your friend is a safe driver without a record your mom should let you go. Try and show your mom that she can trust you and that you're smart enough to make the right decisions.

  3. In some states there is a law if your 16 you can not have a friend in the car only family. So Your mom is doing you a favor

  4. i highly doubt your mom is gonna change her mind. i just started driving and even i wont get in a car with kids my age.. but id try to get your mom to talk to this other girls mom to see how responsible.mature that girl is and then from there she can decide if driving with her is a good idea.  

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