
How can i convince my mom to let me get a horse?

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how do i convince my mom to let me get a horse?Ps i need to make this super convining!Please help!!




  1. Owning a horse is a major responsibility.

    Here's some questions you should be asking yourself:

    Where is your horse going to live?

    Have you taken private riding lessons with a highly respected trainer who works professionally in the equine field?(not your cousin, grandpa, or uncle who lets you get on Star when you come over for family visits)

    Do you know what to do if your horse colic's/has cut himself/ or is choking?

    Do you know about what a horse should eat and what to do with they have weight problems?

    Can you really handle a 1000+lb animal all by yourself?

    Do you have a trainer of your own to assist you?

    Are you ready to make a 30+yr commitment to this animal, in sickness or health? What about college? Or if your parents lose their job? You get sick?

    Do you really have $3000+ to spend on your horse yearly to pay for vet bills, farrier bills, boarding, floating, riding equipment, blankets, hay, and grain?

    Now, if you do...

    Get weekly riding lessons with a good trainer. Regardless if you are riding english or western, you should have someone who understands the field he/she teaches in and has happy, healthy, sound horses who are not skinny, angry, ill tempered, or lame. Also, this person should not dump old horses to kill buyers when they can't be riden no longer.

    Volunteer at a horse rescue. Rescue people can educate you on whatever you need to know before buying and taking care of a horse or pony by yourself. Maybe if you are really good at helping out, they might find the perfect horse for you that needs a good loving forever home.

    Get a job. Horse cost $3000 a year to take care of or more. Are you making more than $300 a month? The buying cost is just the tip of the iceburg. Also, there is no such thing as a free horse.

    Wait. There is nothing worse than getting that horse you want so badly and finding out you bought a lame, angry, green, unbroke, pissed to h**l animal you can't handle. Or some jerk sells you a stallion (there is no reason to EVER buy a stallion unless you are a professional abult working in the equine world showing and promoting him before breeding) or a ex-race horse who needs retraining with a pro or a young green colt who hasn't been casterated and is too advanced for you to try training alone.

    Can you see now why your mom might be hesitant?

    Maybe you should start small. Cats make very nice pets.

    The sites listed below are all good places for you to look in.  

  2. pay for it yourself, the cost of upkeep on a horse can be very high.  I am sure your mother is concerned about the price.

  3. Start eating squirrels. Duh

  4. Go to a nearby stable/ranch and ask if they have any work

    If they don't, ask if you can do voluntary work on a weekend

  5. feed and walk the dog first, then go to a horse farm and clean up the c**p - just to see what you are in for

  6. Try starting small.  Get a gerbil or bunny and take care of it.  If you can show your mom that you can take care of a pet and show some responsibility, she will be more likely to let you get a horse.  Also, research how much keeping a horse will cost.  Do you have a place to put one?  Where will you get the food?  Do you have time to groom one?  Your mom is probably asking similar questions.

  7. WOW!!!!!!!!!! a horse  i never convinced anyone of that but i did convince my mom to let me get a dog ,,,,,,, show her how nice the thing is and how you'll take care of it

  8. Help out at a horse shelter or maybe take care of another type of animal to prove that you're responsible. Nothing is more convincing than taking care of something that isn't your responsibility first.

    Then think about money issues and whats going to happen in a few years time. Research on horses will help loads.

    If I were you, I'd also have a serious talk with mom about these.  

  9. of u get one you will probably not want it any more as they can be so hard to keep and very expencave.  maby when you are older you could get one when you might have the money to keep one !!!

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