
How can i convince my mom to let me get a lovebird?

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my mom knows that i will be able to handle a bird and ive had experience in having a bird. My mom worries about the sicknesses and that it may die




  1. i had 2 and they lived for 5 years..well when i say lived...they actually flew away..

    i think you should get a pair.


  2. Maybe if you bought the bird with your own money/allowance, then your mother will allow you to buy a lovebird.

    However, I don't see why your mom would even think about its sickness and death. I almost always grip my wallet very tightly everytime I see a lovebird's smug little face. Its very hard NOT to buy it!

  3. Well, it will die eventually. Just say to her that you will give your all to this pet. And even that, you can still balance your studies or some other things while you are caring for this pet. Just feed it, but not over-feed and tell her that you can do it.

  4. It's simple, this is an almost guaranteed way of helping you convince your mom to have a lovebird :

    I have always wanted an African Grey parrot. My wife was totally against the idea.  You know,  "THEY ARE EXPENSIVE TO BUY"  (a little true) "THEY MAKE A MESS ALL OVER THE HOUSE" (not true)  "THEY ARE EXPENSIVE TO KEEP" (totally untrue. Birds are CHEAP to feed and keep and give so much happiness to whoever gives them love and attention).  So I gave up the idea of getting an african grey. Then, accidently I stated showing my wife lots of You Tube videos of African Greys talking, clowning around and my wife fell in love with them. Not only did she want an african grey but she went out and got herself  FIVE  beautiful budgies (parakeets) and a large cage for them.

    Your mom will have to see for herself how wonderful lovebirds are.

    Don't push your mom. Let her view the videos by herself.  Then, convince her to visit the loval pet shop and let her marvel at the different beautiful colours love birds came in.

    Let me know if this worked.

    " smiley♥ "  above is correct -- unless you are prepared to and can give the lovebird 100% attention everyday, get a pair. They will be quite happy keeping each other's company.

    If kept clean, very unlikely it will ever get sick. These animals live for many many years.

  5. When you first get a bird, it is always recommended that you take it immediately to the vet for a checkup to make sure it's healthy from the very beginning. If you have the bird established in your home and there are no other birds, and it has no contact with wild birds, there aren't very many places for it to catch an illness from. I had two cockatiels for nine years, and neither of them ever got sick in the time that I had them. They were healthy and happy 'til the end of their days.

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