
How can i convince my mom to let me get a second piercing?

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i'll be 15 tomorrow and i asked my mom for a second set of ear piercings for my birthday (right above the first set). she said she'd think about it, but yesterday we were at the mall and she wouldn't let me. she thinks it's trashy and opens the door to more piercings/tattoos. my dad says he doesn't care either way. i've been responsible, get straight A's, and haven't gotten into trouble... any tips on how to convince her?




  1. It is trashy. You are young and have so much potential. Why spoil yourself for such a petty thing like image? Piercings don't make you a better person. In 5 years, nothing you do for popularity is going to matter except the mistakes you've made - everyone grows up, and what was once considered cool is now considered unremarkable or even stupid. Worry less about decorating your outside, and more about becoming a beautiful person on the inside.

    To answer your question, if you want your mom to let you get more piercings (and anything else you want, for that matter), you have to make her give up on caring for you. You see, it's not about trading good grades or good behavior for the things you want. Your mom is trying to prevent you from doing things you'll regret. You can always get extra piercings later in life, but I think that if you hold off for a couple years, you'll see that you can get along perfectly well without them, and you'll realize how useless and silly piercings (and tattoos and such) really are.

  2. nag?

  3. I asked the same question whenever I got my belly button pierced, I am 15 too and my advice is to make a powerpoint that includes all the pros about getting your ear double pierced.

    I know it sounds silly and stupid but it worked for my BELLY button, and it does work.

    Just include that this is just a way to express yourself and you love earings, you think they are cute and a image of art, etc.

    Good luck girly!

  4. make sure to tell her that you dont just want them because other people have them, like make sure she knows your not just trying to fit in.

  5. Tell her that its actually really cute and the opposite from trashy, and NAG!!!

  6. She's old and set in her ways so fighting it right now will just make her more likely to oppose you.

    I would wait a month and then offer her something in exchange for letting you get more piercings. Preferably something clean and wholesome like(ie.. getting better grades, doing more chores). Also tell her stuff like "well so and so moms thinks the second piercing would look cute".

    Most parents oppose piercings and tattoos because it makes them feel like their kids are growing up to quick. Keep that in mind.

  7. I say.. a little sucking up never, but I think its not trashy, I think it would show your personality more and let you more of an individual. You should remind her of all the good things you do for her and that your not like other 15 years old who are pregant or failing school and waiting to turn 16 to drop out.  

  8. I will agree with your mother on the whole opening the door to other piercings and what not. I got my second holes in my ears for my 15th birthday. My third for my 17th bithday. And now I have snake bites in my lip and my nose and tongue and cartilage pierced.

    A way to convince her maybe.....hmm... try to bribe her into it. That's what I did for my second holes. Or ask for like a Claire's gift card for christmas. That's how I got my second holes. I asked my grandparents for a gift card so I could get it done, my dad couldn't say no because he knew that Claire's wasn't really my store.

    Good Luck.

  9. humm... my mom hates piercing she always says if my dad wants to take me fine but she does not what to know about it..

    when my sister got her upper ear periced she talked my brother into taking her.

    try talking to your mom if that does not work try your dad in a month or so


  10. One thing Is if she has one. Another thing that you could do is reason with her and tell her that the bottom hole is for nice bigger earrings and the 2nd holes are for tops that compliment the bottom ones. this makes you look elegant instead of trashy!!

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