
How can i convince my mom to let me go to a diff school?

by  |  earlier

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she only wants me to go there for the academics, but they aren't even very worse. and at the beginning of the year she was willing to let me to to it, but not now. how can i convince her to let me go there? and what would be a good starting sentence, like "mom i think i should go to this school b/c.." etc.

help pleaseeee, only have 9 days if they even let me change it ):




  1. be like,

    mom, i want to go to this school. its the school i want and i promise ill keep my grades up and work extra hard

    or something along those lines =PP

  2. if its a highschool just tell her why you want to change schools and hopefully she'll understand. if its College or University you're old enough to make you're own decisions tell her that the school you're enrolled in now doesn't have what you want worse comes to worse you might have to go there for a semester but it should be all good

  3. is it money? cuz it can b expensive to change schools. and 9 days isn't enough time.  

  4. Maybe you should try attending for a couple of weeks and see how its suits you. Second impressions count for more than the first.

    But, if you still don't like it, evaluate your reasons for not being able to continue going. If there's not one that's real or valid then convincing your mother is going to prove a little difficult. I wish you luck.

  5. Maybe try something like.. "Mom, I believe I should go to this school because it is known for it's excellence in academics. I strongly believe I can further extend my knowledge and achieve my full potential at this school rather than the other." Then you should give your reasons defending what you just said. And you should ask her this at a time the she is VERY happy! Worked for me! LOL

  6. "Mom, I think I should go to this school because I think I'll do better there. Its a better atmosphere and I'll be happier. If it doesn't work out, I can always transfer back to the school you want me to go to."

    Good luck, and I hope all goes well!

  7. Well, are you up to the academics?  Are you in a gifted program at your current school?

    Just write a one page note telling your mom why you want to transfer.   If it begins, "all the cool kids go to this other school"  Or " there is this girl"  I promise you you will not get transferred.  

  8. tell your mom better education....and better teachers and better collage after grad......

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