
How can i convince my mom to let me have a myspace?

by Guest32623  |  earlier

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and if your going to ask why i want a myspace, or reply to say how much u hate myspace and think its a waste of time, dont bother.

i told her i would set it to private,not add and or respond to any strangers, and even give her my password so she could check it! i told her i wouldnt put my real age, or where i live. she still said no!

my brother and i were homeschooled this year, and she told us at christmas she would let us have myspaces. she changed her mind. i dont know alot of my friend's phone numbers, so i wanna get a myspace so i can talk to them on there.

her and my dad have a myspace, but it was a s***w around think when they were drunk, lol.

how can i convince her to let me get one?




  1. You don't state how old you are, so maybe you aren't old enough to have one.  (You must be 14).

    Other than that though, she's your mom.  If she says no, then the answer is no.  Sounds like you've already discussed it with her at length, so there's not much more you can do.  If you keep asking, it will only annoy her.  I suggest you write down the phone numbers of your friends the next time you see them if you want to be able to talk to them.  If that's not an option, then just email them.  Its the exact same thing as "talking" to them through myspace.

  2. well if its on privicy its proboly fine, if your friends have 1 then u should go over to thier house and make it there with your mom or somthing

  3. if your young dont even think about it

    if your mom has on then she shes all these little girls on there that are beyoond desterbing listen to your mother

  4. Simple answer- don't tell her you have one.

  5. I would just get the myspace & not tell her about it. How could she find out? Just erase the browser history when you're done, then she'll have no way of finding out. Maybe put a different name & picture that way if your mom searches for you to make sure you don't have 1, she won't recognize & know it's you. If you want help with it, I'll help you. My e-mail's in my profile, drop me a line & I'll help you make one :) good luck.

  6. How old are you?

    I think that if you offered her your password and kept everything private and only added people you know that it would be okay.

    She could help have control over your account. Tell her you won't post pictures on it either.

    She is just being protective of you, there really are alot of nasty people on myspace that are tracking girls. I can't totally blame her for wanting to keep you safe but..

    Tell her that you will..

    -Give her the password.

    -Set the security for only people who know your last name or email can send you an invite.

    -Only friends can see your page.

    -Don't put pictures of yourself as your main picture.

    And if she still doesn't let you maybe you can find a way for her to earn your trust.

    My then 13 year old step sister begged for one too and with setting up those settings her father finally allowed her to have one. They check it periodically.

    I hope you figure it out!

    Good Luck and God Bless

  7. You should be able to if it is set to PRIVATE :)

  8. i feel bad for your shelterd life..move out at 18, and youll have a whole outcoming...Parents that home school are 2 protective. they are not letting you see society, and you will be hurt in the long run from this...

  9. you need to get help from someone because sounds like you have overprotective parents.

  10. give her this book

    Its called "Me, Myspace, and I" by Larry Rossen.

    It basically tells you're parents why we want it and explains that its our generations way of socializing. i just ordered it off of amazon for my mom.

  11. myspace is all hype and not worth your time. myspace is also the most watched internet site by law enforcement due to sexual predators and other criminal activities. Stay away meet kids the old fashion way...sports, church, clubs, etc

  12. it is scary for parents because they may trust you...but not all the weirdos out there in cyberspace!  maybe you could tell her you would use the computer and myspace in a public part of your house so she could "keep an eye on it".  most likely she won't read everything, but just feel more comfortable knowing your are not locked in your room with no supervision.  

    but keep in mind...she has a point. it is very dangerous for kids and adults alike.  i have a page (i'm 30) and have had many creeps try to contact me and send me nude photos, inappropriate stuff, etc.  sometimes it even scares me so try to understand.

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