
How can i convince my mum to buy me a psp im 12 years old?

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she wont buy me one cuz she bought me a ds and i got bored of it and it is gatjering dust in my closet and now i want a psp she thinks ill do the same thing




  1. Don't you think you should be in bed at this time.... try showing a bit of responsibility and respect and she might change her mind.....remember christmas is coming and us mum's like to find out what our kids want and get it as a surprise...think about it!!!!!!

  2. you don't want to waste your life playing video games. i done that and in August got my gcse results and i only got 1 gcse so i couldn't get an apprenticeship. now i realise how much of a prat i was so now I'm at 6Th form doing a gnvq in business trying to get my life back on track and to get this apprenticeship and help my way with my mum but if you really want this psp id advise u not to bother getting one sell your Nintendo ds keep that money then for Christmas ask for money save all that money get a paper round get some more money then in spring buy a ps3

  3. Sell the DS and ask if she'll front the rest of the cash

  4. Well, get your mum to put the ds on ebay and use the money towards a psp.

  5. Stop worrying about a game system. Start worrying about oyur school work. There is enough of lazy kids these days. Don't be one of them.

  6. Spend enough time helping around the house, making things easier for the other members of the household, and you won't have time to think about the psp, but those you are helping will.

    If you wanted the ds as badly before you had it, then sell it, and other things you no longer want, and try to raise the money you need yourself. If what you help with is appreciated, you may get help with the cost, but don't depend on it, as yet you probably don't deserve it.

  7. Make a promise to increase all your school grades

    AND to never play on it until you've finished all your school assignments.

    ( you have to keep the promise!!! can you do it?)

    Suggest she sell old game on e-bay to go towards funding the new one?


  8. sell what you do not want and buy what you do want. do not think your mum will buy you something just because you think she should

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