
How can i convince my parents???

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I am 12 and I want to go to the movies alone and with fridnds but my parents wont let me....How can I convince them to let me walk places and go places alone...and to the movies.




  1. How about compromising and letting them drop you off and pick you up?  I did this with my 17 yo daughter for several years.

  2. how about acting 12 instead of 5 and stop whining. some day you will understand why they want to protect you. They love you and lots of bad things can happen when they are not there to protect you. deal with it missy.

  3. The drop off and pick up is good and an early movie too. Let them know that you are growing up in a mature away and you would like more privilegdes. But dont abuse they! Good luck hun

  4. Sweetie, know that you parents want to protect and look out for you and have your best interest at heart.

    Try this with your parents: make a deal or proprosition with your parents. Say this, if you and a group of friends go to an early movie with one of your parents to drop u and your friends off or pick u up. And maybe you can ask a close older relative to accompany your group but sit in the back of the movie or away from the group just to keep an eye on you and your friends. Maybe a sibling of urs or one of your friends relative. This way your parents will feel safe about u being there and they have watchful eye.  I hope this helps.  

  5. They don't make decisions like this to annoy you,they have your safety in mind.

    If you want a nice garden you have to put a lot of work into it.

    If you don't care about your garden you don't have to do anything just let it grow on it's own.

    You're fortunate to have parents who care about their garden.

    oops i've offended someone who lets their garden go unattended.

  6. first just ask them if they could drop you off at the movies with some friends, have them watch you buy tickets, then tell them how long the movie is so they can be there to pick you up when it's done.

    after a few times doing that they'll give you more and more priviledges.

  7. your 12 your so small you cant even go to a PG-13 movie i think its best for you to wait  

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