
How can i convince my parents that i need a car??

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i m turnin 16 & gettin my liscense soon & i want a car. my parents said they'll think about it. whenever i try to discuss it with them, they bring up parking & if i really need one. i m thinking of goign to University of Florida. both my parents went there & they said that UF has a big parking problem & everything is in walking distance & i could carpool with friends, so i won't need a car til i get out of college. but i still tihnk i need a car, cuz my parents keep me enough from a social life cuz they don't let me do anything cuz they are too lazy to drive me & i really would like to have better tihngs to do then just be on the computer al day & i would like some freedom. but i cant tell them that cuz they'll deny everything & say "we are giving u more freedom every day" (which is untrue). soo can u please help me get some reasons why i need a car?? thank you!!




  1. Tell them you can get a job and help pay for expeince, Tell them it's time for you to learn responibilty and that you can be trusted, most kid in rural area start driving at 15 year of or younger and have vehicle at 16,

  2. Talk to them about trying to get a job, and helping pay for a car.  It gives you a definite reason for needing a car, and makes it easier for them.

    Also, if you want to go to college, you need to learn how to write English with correct punctuation and capitalization.

  3. My suggestion is get a job and save up money for the car.  Get involved with some after school extracurricular activities so your parents will get tired of having to ferry you back and forth to them and finally concede to getting you a car.  Be responsible though.

    You will not need a car that much at UF since the bus system is pretty good for students going to UF and it is "free" for UF students.  Actually, you pay for the bus service in your tuition fees no matter if you use it or not.  Also, a lot of students use mopeds since it is easier to find parking for motorcycles and mopeds on campus since all the parking spaces for cars go to UF faculty, staff and graduate students.

  4. Maybe if you get a job they will let you get a car, you tell the you will pay for cas,inc. etc.

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