
How can i convince my parents to enroll me to a horse stable?

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i'd been want to be enroll to a horse stable for 4 yrs and i have no time

becuse of school and friends. i'm very very very scared to tell them and they might think im crazy!! and it cost alot for lessons, clothing, and more. I will do anything for them just to say yes!! but i don't know when is the good time!.




  1. Show them you're responsible. Prove that the lessons are the biggest lump expense, and clothing can be bought second hand at low prices. Chip in--give up part of your allowance (if you have one) or get a job, like mowing the neighbor's lawn. Do what they tell you to do (unless it's wrong, like spying on a neighbor) and don't whine!

  2. Tell them that you have two interests that you have been thinking about for a long time, but that you only want to pursue one of them.

    The first interest of course is being enrolled in a horse stable to learn how to ride or what not because you love horses so much. As for the second interest, just think of something so out of this world that there is no way in h**l that they would want you to remain interested in it or even take a chance that you may pursue that path. So perhaps they will make a move quick with the horse enrollment to keep your mind off the other interest.

    I cant tell you what the other interest should be, only you know your parents and what they would approve of or not approve of. Hehe....I know im bad, but h**l its for a good cause :)

  3. forget horses they are old school


  4. If you are old enough get a job and pay for it yourself.

    Or maybe you could start helping them out more and ask for a raise in allowance.

    There are horse rescues that you can get a free horse at.

    Also, I know a stable owner that has kids as young as 12 working there to pay their fees. Some of them do riding lessons, most of them do cleaning and feeding. Does not hurt to call and ask.

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