
How can i convince my parents to get me a dwarf hamster?

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i am fourteen years old and i LOVE hamsters.... ive accually been asking my mom for one since i was six.... and i thnk am at the age where i can take care of one... but my mom grew up with ginnie pigs that her sister had and she hated them.... so she doesnt want animals like that in our house.... ive been trying at this for years but i cant get her to budge... can anyone help me?????




  1. Ask her first and say, "Mum, I am 14, and I think I am responsible enough to look after a very small and troublesome animal. It wont be any mess or anything. You only need to clean them once or twice a week, and they are only £6."

    If she says no say, "Can you at least think about it?" And if she says Ok. Then you are on the first stage of getting one.

    But wait until ThanksGiving, Easter, Christmas, your Birthday or what ever you celebrate.

    Hope I helped.



    this link is about convincing your parents to get you a pet..

    maybe she might like a rabbit more?  find out what pet she might like and why she didnt like the GP

  3. i love hamsters : )

    i have 2 gerbils though. the petstore lady convinced me that gerbils are only better cause they dont bite. and mine do. ugh

    anyways tell your modge that you need a hamster to complete you. if you dont get a hammy, youll never be completed as a teen.

    or if that doesnt doing extra chores, helping out your mom around the house, always have a clean room....(clears throat)

    i got my gerbils by getting all a's and b's for my 6th grade final report card.

    you might want to get 2 dwarf hamsters, cuz they are very small and social. and the other one might be lonely. get them from the same litter.

    hope this helped, good luck : )

  4. Write a report on them including general research, supplies and costs, who will take care, etc.

  5. tell her you are old enough to look after it yourself and that she should give you some more responsibility. Tell her you will look after it yourself and pay for all its food and bedding. You could always resort to pure, unshameful begging! lol

  6. make a contract.    this is what it should look like

    if i get a hamster, i will take very good care of it and i will pay for every thing. if i fail to do so you can bring it back.    

    the write on a paper reasons to have a hamster.... it will be good for me  to be able to have a responsability. if i am ever sad and i need some one to talk to i have the hamster. i can trust the hamster because he wont tell anyone anything.  pluse they are fuzzy and soooooo cute.  

    then write down a scuedule of the week and have days that you will clean hamster cage.    c goood luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  7. "mummy mummy please i really want one and ill love it and care for it and play with it every day! and you wont ever have to look after it it'll be my responsibility pleasssse"

  8. Well you could pay for it, show how responsable you would be and if he got loose (your old hamster) then look at the cage and try to fix any problemmes with it,do something to show to them that you are responsible. i think most parents' biggest concern when it comes to buying their kids pets is that the kid will get bored with it and they'll be stuck taking care of it. when i got my first hamster, i made a deal with my parents that i could get a hamster if i changed our rabbit's cage every day. if you don't already have pets in the house, you could offer to do the dishes or some other household chore instead. you should also do you research so that you know what you are getting into and so your parents know that you are prepared. i recommend getting some books about hamsters from the need your parents to understand why you want this hamster so much. Tell them that you'll take really good care of the hamster, and that it means alot to you. You should also be nice to them while convincing them to get a hamster. And also want to consider the prices of getting a hamster if you're paying for yourself. Cage, food, bedding, house, and etc.

    Just ask them to sit down with your for a few minutes and discuss why you think you should have a hamster. They are fun, cute, lovable, and plus you would be saving an animals life. Also, you would be gaining a sense of responsibilty and a possible career choice.

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