
How can i convince my parents to let me get my eyebrows threaded?

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i haven't bothered to ask my parents yet but i know what they might say. so before i do. anybody have a clue on how i should convince my parents to let me get my eyebrows threaded? i'm gonna ask my dad, cause he doens't have much of a clue for what it is. but of course he'll still mention it to my mom before he decides. i want to get it for the beginning of the school year, i'm going to eigth grade. my eyebrows r pretty misshappen. but i'm sure my parents can't tell because they hate it when it comes to looks. my dad hates it when i get "obsessed" ewith my appearance. so is there anyways to convince them. i want to go with my friend to get them done. we've already said we're going to the mall together, and my dad said yes to the mall, i just odn't know if he'll sya yes to threading. so what cna i say? i already's cheap, convinient, yeah that's pretty much it. HELP!




  1. I feel your pain sista! my parents wont let me get my eyebrows threaded until i start high school or im 15

  2. Don't whine about it. Your parents will only let you do what hey feel comfortable with. SOmetimes parents can be unreasonable, but sometimes they are looking out for your best interest. If your pops already says you get "obsessed" with your appearance, they probably notice you overdoing it. (make-up, to much hair spray, staying in the mirror forever...) There is nothing wrong with staying neat and being beautiful, but getting your eyebrows done may make your face stand out. They certainly catch the attention of men (not just boys) because you begin looking more like a woman with s**y shaped eyebrows. Just talk to them about it. I did my little sisters eyebrows when she was 11.  

  3. FIrst of all.... threading HURTS.  It hurts more than waxing.  And it takes longer.  So I suggest trying to get your eyebrows waxed, rather than threaded.  Secondly, just present the idea to your parents in a non-emotional, logical way.  They are more likely to respond to that in a more positive manner.  And I would approach your mom, she'll probably be more understanding of your desire to shape your eyebrows.  Tell them that you are getting older, your body is changing, and you feel the need to re-shape your eyebrows.  If they are not understanding of that, then I'm not sure what choices you have.  But hopefully once you bring it up, they will be very understanding!  It's not a matter of vanity, so hopefully they will understand that.

    Good luck!!  I hope that helps!!

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