
How can i convince my parents to let me go out?

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I'll be straight forward.

I'm 14. I want to go out with this guy who's going to be 16 soon. He's really cool and treats girls right so he's not much of a problem.

He asked me to go out with him to a movie.

We live in different places, so the only way we can see each other is by using the metro.

I've used the metro frequently by myself, so I know how to get around.

However, sometimes my parents flip-the-script alot, and they think I'm too young and/or that I shouldn't be going out by myself, when I already have and they know that.

But the main problem is, I want to go out with this guy, and I really don't know what to tell my parents, because we have never really discussed me having a boyfriend. I really don't know how to discuss it to them. Any suggestions?

And how can I get them to let me go out more often, because one day they will, and then the very, very, next day they'll say I'm too young.




  1. do more house chores and always say you're meeting a mate dont be too detailed! Sometimes parents dont need to know EVERYTHING that goes on in our lives! But yeah i usually find that doing house chores makes them in a better mood so they have nothing to complain about!

  2. go to the parent who lets u get by with more and tell them about this guy but dont put in a lot of details b like hes really nice and smart and he would treat me really well and bla blah blah then helop  out around ther house and stuff and if the 1 parent says no go to the other 1 try to convince them and if u say wellc please just think about it they'll mention it to the other one and they'll prob let u

  3. Hi, I am the parent of two teenagers, one boy 13, and one girl 15. I also have a 21 year old daughter. I see your confusion, your parents aren't giving you cut and dry guidelines. Do you have the kind of relationship where you could maturely and without attitude ask for a family meeting? If so, then that's what I'd suggest. Ask them at a time when your not asking to go anywhere. Just tell them you're confused about when your allowed to go out alone and when your not. What is their reasoning. Now, I have to tell you than as a mom I would not let you go out alone on the Metro. If my memory is correct (alot of times it's not) then you are in the Atlanta area. Their are too many weirdo's out there looking for young people that are alone. You should just put a target on your back. My reasoning is that I love my kids to much to allow them to be put in a situation that isn't safe. It's your parents job, honey, to keep you safe until your old enough to do it yourself. I know you think you are ready to make good choices, but if you're put in a scary situation your logic and reasoning might not pull you through. It's just not a chance a good parent can take. Sorry, it's in no way to make you unhappy, it's because of love. As for boyfriends, I'd let my 15 year old go to the movies with a boy if they were in a group and I dropped her off and picked her up. I'd also have to know the boy. I was a teenager once and I remember how exciting it was when I had a boyfriend. I also remember how I felt and the boys felt when hormones are raging. Don't put yourself in a position where you have to fight those hormones. At least not at 14. Have fun with groups, don't worry, you'll be old enough faster than you realize to make all your own decisions. If you ask my 21 year old daughter she'd tell you she'd love to be 14 again at times. Good luck honey, I hope it all works out.

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